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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. I have a lot of ammo capacity stats on my armor. But we were all pretty low. The guy that kept making the green AoE heal had the skill modded to refill the magazine. If you carry one of each weapon, you'll have full ammo for all of them until you use them since they have their own ammo type. That's why I swapped my shotgun to my AR. Right now SMGs are the dps king, especially PvP. The flame turret is amazing for some deadly CC. The turret has a dedicated CC mod, but the burn condi damage is too good to not use. Even though the CC isn't as good stat/duration-wise on paper, it's very disorienting on screen when you're on fire.
  2. I wish I could have gotten it all. This was about a 45 min conflict starting out with these guys going rogue on us and running away until their timers ran out after they got cold feet because they thought one of my friends was alone. We went rogue on them when we heard them talking shit via proxy chat, but they were able to get us after one of my friends accidentally got glitched into the environment in the subway. At this point they were running their mouth so much about how we sucked, I couldn't let it go. I prompt came up that BattleBooski called for extract. We ran to their extraction zone just as the rope was coming down, killed them all and extracted their loot. Of course this meant war for them. They chased us as we tried to trim out level 3 timer down, We wanted to see if they would follow us into the most dangerous part of the DZ and they did. We mowed them down a few more times to reach level 5 rogue status which starts upon the first kill in the video. It was intense, but a lot of fun. the steaks were so high for dying, but it was worth it just to teach them a lesson. They were so outclassed by our High End Vectors, it wasn't even close.
  3. Survived a level 5 manhunt after going Rogue on some assholes that kept talking shit in proxy chat. We ganked their stuff on extraction and killed them a good 10 times. They probably lost 2-3 DZ levels. XD

    1. DeathscytheX


      I have some of it saved. What started it happened long before the 15min clip that may have saved. i'll try to upload it later. XD

    2. Sledgstone
  4. They're doing a good job of keeping everyone guessing, but I'm gonna pick Maggie. They've been hyping them up so much. Glenn has had too many close calls to be killed without it being stupid. Carol is a possibility, but she hasn't had much air time this half of the season.
  5. Its kinda weird that Carol is snapping back to reality. I thought she was playing them hard, and for the most part she was. After watching Maggie savagely kill that woman, and Rick offing that guy mercilessly she's realizing how fast they have lost their humanity. That was probably one of the most dark and chilling episodes ever produced for the series. The fire room was grisly. These are really bad people, and they are going to have to build them up to be badder than Rick's group currently is. The red head was right in the end. Rick would have killed them all after the trade was successful.
  6. In one day of reaching max level on The Division, I got more good drops than an entire year of Destiny grind.

    1. Sledgstone


      Sounds like a good plan.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Today's daily was so savagely hard. It took us 5 hours to beat it. And thats with gold weapons. XD Plus we started out with 2 randoms via matchmake. One left and we got a regular in. It turned out the random new the best strategy for the hardest encounter. We had a 9 min timer to clear out 3 waves of enemies which featured those damn shotgun rushers. We had to use all the CC we could muster to keep them at bay in a choke point, while using our damage buff consumable and my group toughness...

    3. Sledgstone
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  7. After no lifing it to 30, I can tell the end game is light years beyond destiny. It is group required, but Ubi has the decency to put matchmaking on it. The main mission chain got me to about level 25. I had to do side missions and encounters to reach 30. Even after that I've still got various encounters to finish to be able to max out my BoO. There is still a shit ton of intel to collect, and side missions to do for solo play. Purple gear becomes purchasable through standard vendors around level 23. High end gear can be purchased at 30 through the Advanced Vendor that is unlocked via Security Wing upgrades. These are astronomically priced. Its a way for solo players to obtain them I guess. Purple gear will run in the $40-60k range while HE gear will run $460-480k I made 2-3 vendor purchases my whole way to 30 and I only had $115k maybe by that time. Purple gear does drop in open world PvE, boss kills, and mission rewards. Playing in a group of 3-4 makes enemy toughness scale pretty high. I played 2-3 missions solo on normal and it was way easier. The loot table didn't improve in group play, but maybe the XP was a bit better? I can't really say. We played on hard mode til about level 18 missions. It gets brutally hard in groups at that point. Rushers have shotguns that can insta down/kill you. Cover is only a formality because of this... once you take them down grenadiers can make life miserable by flushing you out of cover for snipers and heavy machine gunners to tear you apart. Playing in a group brings some good challenge. End game content consists of DZ and Challenge mode. Challenge Mode is basically Destiny's Nightfall on Steroids (but with check points). Everything is boss level HP and damage. Each day, 2 story missions are selected for challenge mode. As we had just reached 30 and our gear wasn't very good, they first one we tried was a catastrophe. . It started out with 4-5 shotgun rushers just eating our lunch mercilessly. You're boxed in a small room and leaving it will reset the mission. We settled for the other mission that allowed us to sit back and snipe our way forward. We had room to fall back on rushers. This mode took us about 2+ hours to finish because of the constant dying/objective failing and the cautious nature we took. It was a lot of fun though. We had to change our skills and weapons various times through the course of it to best fit the situation. A decent amount of purples dropped and the end reward is a GUARANTEED High End drop. (Take that destiny) You can replay these as much as you want and get the HE drop, unlike Destiny. But seeing as they are very time consuming, its well deserved. The daily also rewards Phoenix credits that allows you to buy more HE gear from a special vendor in the BoO. I think you can only earn the Phoenix credits once a day per mission. The level 30 DZ is pretty barren right now of other players. I assume this is because not many people are 30 yet, and we were patrolling the most dangerous area were level 32 enemies were. The DZ offers the most frequent purple drops and gold drops. Purple rained for days, but gold was few and far between for everyone in the party. A scavenger armor mod can increase your chances of drops I've read, but again, we just reached 30. Enemies aren't as powerful as they are in challenge mode, but they are a lot more aggressive, and they don't seem to have a limit to their chase... there is a limit, but its huge and its hard to run from them. We were able to kite a boss almost endlessly, so I assume as long as you stay engaged, they will give chance indefinitely. Dying is beyond frustrating. You drop everything in your DZ loot bag, a portion of your DZ funs, keys, and you lose a chunk of XP. I down leveled a few times because of it. Teammates cannot revive you once you have died out of down state like they can in PvE. You'll have to spawn at the nearest safe house and make your way back... this can cause problems if more enemies have spawned in the streets. NPCs are more populated than the beta and they respawn a lot more frequently. My group of four ran into another group of four and we made a truce that we both stuck to. Even a group of 4 can get wiped easily in the area we were in and it was amazing to have a truce that went super well. Since we couldn't group into 8, friendly fire happened a few times, and we just went along with it until the rouge timer went away. No one picked up anyone's death loot either which will probably be a rare occurrence between random squads. I just dont see how the DZ can be solo friendly unless you manage to matchmake your way to all HE gear. The NPCs are overwhelmingly brutal for one person to take on. I'm so happy with this game TBH. Even after beating the story, I still have a lot to do to get geared up and ready for possible raids. My only complaint is you can't play with lower level people without making a new character. Missions always scale to the highest leveled player even if the session owner is the lowest level. So it makes the mission unbearably frustrating.... I was going to run through the story with another friend using just my pistol and melee, but I can't. I wish every game had a downlevel scale system like GW2. There is no power leveling either. I did one mission with him and it only gained him 1 level... its not like borderlands or diablo where you can get people massive leveling jumps super quickly.
  8. I've stayed up til 4-5am 3 nights in a row. XD The Division is the most fun I've had playing a co-op game in years.

    1. Sledgstone


      Awesome. :D Whats your favorite fashion item so far? :P

    2. DeathscytheX


      I dunno yet. XD If you collect whole sets of collectables like intel, phone recordings, etc, you get more fashion items. I bet these are the best looking. XD

  9. I've played to level 12 and so far its been a blast. Props for the weapons adjustments. AR recoil seems to have been reduced drastically. Barrel drift is still at thing with continuous fire, but the damage output and range compared to SMGs is worth it. I just picked up a blue SCAR-L before I got off and it seems to have the least barrel drift yet. Marksman Rifles seemed to have been nerfed. The damage just isnt there anymore for semi-autos. LMGs are the biggest beneficiary of the adjustments. Recoil and muzzle rise are much more controllable. It was just too outrageous in the beta. Shotguns seem to no longer stun enemies at close range. I'm curious if this got changed to a weapon trait. Not liking shotguns at all anymore. For skills, Sticky Bomb is still trash. I got First Aid with the overdose mod, and I just got Seeker Mines... they're nasty little boogers. I can't wait to unlock the mods for them. Smart Cover is another interesting skill that is useful as well. The missions are decently long so far. A lot of them are visually impressive. Playing them on hard mode is frustrating but rewarding at the same time. I've stayed up to almost 5am two nights in a row... I can't say I've done that for a game in years.
  10. The Division was datamined for 26 main missions. My biggest concern has been resolved. Hype Train CHOO CHOOOOOO!!

  11. Alexandria is coming to grips that you must kill live humans to survive. This is a big change from killing those that already have died or attacked first. They screwed up in the end though. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  12. LOL. I just saw that Xur is selling Hawkmoon... more than a year after the game came out. A bit too late.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Shit, when I logged on to buy Suros right before TTK came out I could get Thorn by just turning in my uncompleted bounty (I shit you not, it told me to turn it in for a Thorn. Wish I would of taken a screenshot) because they knew the gun was going to be worthless come TTK (and it still is as it never got a Year 2 remake like Suros, Hawkmoon, Mida, and the few other Exotics they redid).

    2. DeathscytheX


      Oh yeah, I forgot about that. XD. I guess it's for the players that got suckered into buying it post Y1

    3. Sledgstone


      Oh.. so legacy emblem means you can get an outdated Thorn thats not worth using anymore? lmao. Xur might as well be selling Salt at this point. XD

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  13. Thats pretty shit Char Creation options. B&S has certain races tied to certain classes, but spreads them out enough you have options. While you can't control each limb separately, you can customize every part of the body just about... I dont see why you'd want to make one arm or leg shorter than the other unless you were going for the hideous abomination look.
  14. That was a good scene. I like how they've brought some of the mysticism back to the series, like the first ep with the doors to Valhalla. I also like how dynamic the story is becoming and look forward to see how everything ties in with Wessex, Paris, and Ragnar.
  15. Rick just shanked that dude in the neck and was like "What?" This is the Rick, I've been waiting for.
  16. Battlefield 5 is rumored to be a WWI shooter, with how limited that is I think it will be a WWII shooter... eitherway I'm excited for an older era on modern consoles.

    1. DeathscytheX


      Battlefield: Oregon Trail featuring Horse and Wagon Nitroglycerin suicide. XD

    2. Sledgstone


      Whenever you die without being killed by an enemy, in BF4 it says: "Killed in action" In BF: Oregon Trail it'll say "You have died of dysentery"


    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      I'd totally be down for a Vietnam game. Sadly I never got the chance to play BFBC2 so I missed out on that but I've heard nothing but great things about it.

      XD, now I want Battlefield: Oregon Trail now. Someone should drop the hint in DICE's ears for a spinoff game

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  17. Finished TWD Compendium 3. It will probably be another year before compedium 4 comes out. X_x

    1. DeathscytheX


      They just finished the Negan arc and introduced the next antagonist. We'll see Negan on the season finale. They have enough content to stretch it for 2-3 seasons. This will be a longer conflict than the Governor.

    2. DeathscytheX


      I want to say they started the TV series when the comic started the prison arc.

    3. Sledgstone


      Ah. So theres a chance the series will pass the comic eventually? I wonder if that happens, if they'll put the show on hiatus, or make a new filler arc or two like animes do.

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  18. I just read all of Compendium 3 today... once you start reading these things, they're impossible to put down. I was told that where I stopped is only 2 months behind where the issues are now, which is only 4 magazines. They have enough content to efficiently use Negan for 2-3 seasons.
  19. COD is slowly trying to introduce P2W with the supply drop weapons. They must think they can get away with anything. Reddit has been really pissed about this since it happened. This will be their undoing.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Welcome to the new age of gaming. I honestly didn't think Activision would go down this route or at least with COD but I guess I'm wrong. It's only a matter of time before we see it in other shooters.

    2. DeathscytheX


      Paying $100 for the season pass, and then having to spend more to hope and get the game's best weapons... sad. I guess they are trying to compensate off the super hardcore for the declining sales. They're just testing the waters with this one. I'm sure the next will go full blown, and that will spell the end. COD lives off its casual base for sales. Its not an MMO, and it wont survive without the casuals.

    3. Sledgstone


      I bet it is a test on their part to see if it pays off for them. It'd be one thing if the extras were gun skins like in medal of honor, but to have the best guns trapped behind money is just BS.

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  20. I really have to refrain from saying too much. I figured they'd change Jesus's name to prevent some kind of offended outcry. They def picked the guy that looks the part though. This is a pivotal moment for the TV show. While the series on both mediums have always had walkers as a big part of it, its about to transition way more about human interaction and walkers may become more of a backdrop with less emphasis. Terminus and the Wolves were semi-prep I guess... it seems like the wolves were just a wasted filler though. Negan is a bad bad dude, more than the Governor could ever dream of being. It will be interesting to see how they portray him within the limits of cable TV. This villain will probably last a good 2 or more seasons as well. I ordered Compendium 3 of the comic yesterday, I can't wait to start reading again, The show has almost caught up where I left off. If you didn't get the jist of how Negan's community works from the Daryl/Abraham/Sasha encounter, I'll leave this short comic semi-spoiler here.
  21. I just saw it and was thoroughly entertained. The movie flies by really fast. Great action, and a lot of laughs.
  22. I wonder if he will actually beable to take on his brother this time. The genital mutilation was brutal.
  23. The took a lot of be events from the comic and applied them to this ep. The rpg was a big short cut tho. Really good ep.
  24. Looking forward to trying turrets in this weekend's Division open beta.

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      There is no hard mode for the new mission fyi or at least by what I can see

    2. DeathscytheX


      Don't use turrets in the DZ. I read that they are broken right now. Someone can entice your turret to shoot them turning you rogue and they can kill you without penalty.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Heh, everyone was using them today while I was running around in it. I'll be switching to scan pulse and heals when I go into the DZ, too many enemies and the turret does shit damage and is shit at taking away hate as well.

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