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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWAn7Z8jhhs[/ame] X'D
  2. I'll be at work. The price I paid to be off last weekend.
  3. Have fun with the Icarus drop part on GoW! LOL! Happy B-day!
  4. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/fox/prometheus/ [ame] [/ame]Interesting trailer... unless you are a big fan, and noticed that structure from the first Alien film, you'd probably not realize its an Alien prequel.... interesting marketing.
  5. LOL. That has lawsuits written all over it. EA will probably have a package deal for ME1&2 on sale or something. The game will still play without the saves. But it wont be the same for those that started with one. Supposedly decisions you made all the way back to the first game will effect parts of the story in ME3. Its pretty cool how they do that. There was a bit of it in ME2. With 2 games worth of previously made choices(180-250 hours worth of gameplay), there is no telling how much you could miss out on.
  6. Origin. EA is feuding with them since BF3. Its sad for ME fans on PC because your saves from 1 and 2 are suppose to affect intricate parts of ME3. Luckly for me I'll be playing mine on Xbox. Sledge, you're missing out. Mass Effect is an amazing story with some fantastic action RPG gameplay. The 1st one has its drags, but the second cleans it all up. Its on par with KOTOR 1... except its an original story. I don't think Bioware will ever top their work on this series.
  7. Definitely do not put them in a huge box or bag. It depends on what the gifts are. You will most likely have to check them in and will not be able to carry them on the plane with you. If you have any glass or fragile items I suggest wrapping them in towels in a regular suitcase. I would call the airport and check their guidelines for baggage.
  8. We don't have a good IMAX theater here. I'm fine with regular. Hell i go to the old theater that still uses film rather than DLP because its $6 daytime $8 night time as opposed to $8 daytime $10 night time everywhere else.
  9. In the dirty south. Mobile, Alabama. lol Its a local restaurant. They guy trained under Emerald Lagasse, but IMO, his food is a lot better. Its a place called The Hungry Owl. He has a lot of other good things like Crawfish Lasagna, Alligator Pot Pie, and the most amazing blackened tuna I've ever had.
  10. It was pretty awesome. Aside from the first time it bursts out of someone, the special effects are wicked. They connected everything to the first film, including the ice coffin, and the 2 burnt specimens that MacReady's team found at the camp... (Of course if you're as big as a fan as I am of the 80's film you caught most of that in the trailer ) and a nice tie in and the end connecting it to the beginning of the first. They're plenty of scenes that make you jump and nothing happens to catch you off guard when something does happen. lol The Kurt Russel one is still superior, but this film does a lot of fan service to fans of the 80s film.
  11. Oh it is.... $16 well worth it...
  12. Probably because of this: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/1134601/battlestar_galactica_movie_to_follow_original_tv_series.html http://io9.com/5852008/the-battlestar-galactica-movie-finds-its-writer-plus-george-rr-martin-explains-the-challenges-ahead-for-game-of-thrones Ignoring the fact that Bryan Singer produced Superman Returns, Valkyrie and X-Men: First Class were top notch... add in the writer from Band of Brothers and this film has potential.
  13. As featured on Man v. Food Nation the Ulimate Stuffed Tony Burger... no burger rivals it. I dont care what kind of local burger you have... a one-pound burger patty stuffed with sauteed onions, conecuh sausage, and three cheeses. Topped with bacon, candied jalapenos, two cheeses, and a fried egg on a black sesame bun... pure bliss... conecuh sausage is exlusive to this area... If you can find a way to order it and get it shipped to you, I urge you to do so.... the sausage alone is amazing, but stuffed inside a patty with cheese is amazing.
  14. I need to be rich so I don't have to work! :P

  15. Look up REX 84. Its been there forever.
  16. Yeah, Its really good! Makes you think.
  17. PETA members could be drug out in the street and shot, and I wouldn't care. Animal Cruelty is wrong, but they take shit to far... Like ignorantly complaining about Mario Tanooki suit 20 years after the game came out. Find something better to do guys.
  18. I've noticed they've really beefed up their streaming service lately. I've watched Limitless and Tron Legacy in the past two days... just about everything in the Redbox, aside from the newest releases, is on the streaming.
  19. DeathscytheX

    Return Debut!!!

    Thank you for your service sir, and welcome back to the clan!.... now............. ORANGEKRIEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *viciously pelts Sabe with 20 satchels of citrus fruit*
  20. I am so ruined by the Xbox controller, I had to go out and buy a wired one to play it on PC... the lack of AIM assist makes it a bitch, but It's must making me a hell of a lot better on the Xbox version. LOL I can actually fly choppers and jets... something I could never do in BC2 or BF2... I had to switch the sticks around, but I am loving it.
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