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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. I dunno. If they made an Arah themed legendary scepter, I'd be all over it.
  2. DeathscytheX


    I don't know on Ranger. I'm sure it does because the second press on 4 for guardian throws it.
  3. It is very nice, they you can basically build an old class and then put a splash of something you wish it had. I'm def investing in weapon usage and going solider route, but I'll probably add some biotics and that flame thrower in.
  4. Nice. There is def going to be a lot more build diversity.
  5. Mediacom sent us a new modem, apparently our service was upgraded and our modem was out of date, I now get 60mbps instead of 20. sweeet.

  6. I much rather would have had the charging grip, rather than the two rubber protectors with wrist straps. I guarantee that's why it was cut for cost. They would sell way less wrist straps than charging grips too because hardly any real gamers like motion controls.
  7. I didn't know how to feel about this until I saw it. Honestly this is pretty good. It still once shots most 200HP heroes, and it doesn't wreck D.Va anymore.
  8. DeathscytheX

    Electro Lemon Mesmer

    From the album: GW2

  9. These are nice, but I'm partial to your purple glowing ones.
  10. DeathscytheX

    Rodgort rests

    From the album: GW2

  11. DeathscytheX


    From the album: GW2

  12. I finally managed to flip something for a massive profit on GW2. Apparently I bought a few Superior Runes of Antitoxin pre HoT an tossed them in my old guild's bank. They were barely worth 60s each when I bought them according to GW2Spidy, and today they are worth 9g each. I'll make 57g when they all sell. At long last a successful flip. XD All the rest of the runes I bought are still worthless. 

    1. Sledgstone


      Good flip! XD When you collect those profits, smile like this...


  13. They did, they were just absurdly long. Like 60 seconds what it felt like. When I got my hands on a kit I would often sit in a corner until my HP came back. It regened a lot slower to when it started back up. I just figured that was intended. Elite kit don't belong in small game modes, but if they kept them in, they shouldn't have HP regen in those modes. The Sentry class really isn't that good unless its the double automatico on ballroom blitz or Suez in the town parts. The fact that gas spam is so bad makes this class the weakest of the 3, and its the most readily available. I've beaten them head to head on several occasions by shredding their kneecaps with an SMG/Sweeper or just blasting them away with the Model 10. This is a kit that actually needs a medic escort feeding him first aid. I kept a friend alive once doing this and he went on a 40 person kill streak. I'd occasionally come back in as a support to resupply and then go back to medic on my next death. The Flame Trooper kit is by far the most powerful in close quarters to medium range. If you are in a choke point with this bastard, you're done. And you have more than ample ability to hide behind your flames and leave enough fire to discourage someone to chase you down. Plus the flamethrower obstucts enemy's visual ability to get a headshot on you much less hit you reliably. This certainly does not belong in small game modes more than any other class becasue he's pretty much bullshit in the right hands. This is the only kit I've gone on a massive spree with and stayed alive for most of a match. Gas nades have zero effect on him as well adding to his strength. Its totally worth retreating and waiting for your HP to come back... how he'll be even stronger. The Tank Hunter has really nice balance. You can snipe Martini-Henry style, you can crush planes, and you can pressure tanks. The sawed off shotgun is monstrous if you get in a pinch when someone gets too close. This kit isn't featured enough IMO. The maps and areas of the maps the kit shows up are the least advantageous as well. I mean, do we really need a Tank Hunter on Monte Grappa right when there is only 2 more sectors to defend? It could have been at the start of the map and have been way more helpful defending sector 2's open aired objectives that pretty much always get steam rolled by heavy tanks. The windmills on SQScar? Really? The round is almost over now, could have used it 2 sectors ago. Meanwhile Flame Trooper gets to enjoy torching bunkers on Argonne... I'm surprised they didn't toss in a tank hunter for shits and giggles on that map. Sentry appears at opportune times on Ballroom blitz where you can send suppressive fire down long hallways. Tank Hunter? Mostly at the end of rounds on Operations when you need to be bunkering down and holding objectives, and fighting for your life. Maybe it has better placement on Conquest, but c'mon.... conquest is terrible on this game.
  14. https://www.vg247.com/2017/02/14/battlefield-1-winter-update-full-patch-notes-revealed-include-gas-and-suppression-nerf-slight-martini-henry-buff-more/ A lot of stuff that doesn't do much. The most notables is that the BAR Storm, Hellriegle, and Automatico Trench all got 14% recoil increases.. WTF? Thats a lot. I'll agree that the Automatico needed a nerf because you could hipfire laser someone from a long distance, but why even have the Storm variant of the BAR now? The Hellriegle already had one recoil increase. Gas duration got nerfed from 22 seconds to 15 seconds. It literally does nothing to address the problem. People still have 2 nades. The Autoloader and Cie got super tiny recoil decreases. Making Assault SMGS worse just makes people use shotguns more or not play assault at all.
  15. They could have picked anyone to play Major, how the story is portraying her doesn't match her character. That's what is throwing me off. I don't have high hopes for Bato either. Its clear that the story is dumbed down for American audiences. Hollywood treats us lessers as if we can't handle complex stories... which is why we watch anime to get them.
  16. They're loot box system is the most bullshit of any FPS when it comes to contents of drops.
  17. Trying to get better with Thief. The personal DPS is amazing, but damn you can't take a critical hit. I did manage to solo the lumber yard event in Lake Doric and prevented all the ghost bandits from making off with the lumber. WTF the ship event is 1000x harder and TTS couldn't even stop the White Mantle from making off with supplies. It doesn't help that one is a Mesmer that just instantly ports off with a bag of goods. The Lumber yard just has a shit ton of spider adds which would get annoying if I couldn't melt them all with staff 5.

    Out of all the classes I believe Daredevil will remain the superior option over its new elite spec for the expansion. I dont see Rifle thief being better than DD. Chronomancer will probably be there as well for raids. Guardian's virtues and utilities will have to be amazing to give up traps. I'm biasly hopeful about Scourge because it just sounds badass. If its true Viper Burnmancer could be insane. 

    1. DeathscytheX
    2. Sledgstone


      wtf... the entire rotation is 1111111111111.. XD And people say warrior is the easiest class. pffft.. XD

    3. DeathscytheX


      That's why I bring mine to TT now. Massive DPS with little work on the fingers. XD plus TT's tells are so slow and massive it's easy not to get hit and downed. 

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  18. The Chauchat (French LMG) was shit in real life. It was notorious for jamming because dirt would get in its open air mag feed. Now that I have a steady team I play Overwatch with, this game has taken a back seat. I love battlefield and the game itself is fun to a degree. But you're right about the nade spam, which I can deal with until is gas spam. Hilariously the biggest issue with the game is the hard counter to the most abundant elite class. BF1, and Operations in general is a lot less forgiving when your team is full of morons. People opening doors when they shouldn't, picking wrong vehicles for situations. That tank Behemoth is going to be super OP... not because it's actually OP, but because no one takes out tanks to begin with, so I don't see anyone being bothered to take a more beastly one down. Sucks for the few people like me that would swap to assault just to get rid of a tank. Maybe I'm just getting old and impatient with other players, because its affecting me in just about every game I play these days. Even my beloved GW2 when people are just pressing auto attack and expecting to get carried to victory by my guild, and then blames my guild when we failed the hardest world boss in the damn game because they can't be bothered to learn basic DPS rotations for their class, join teamspeak just to fucking listen, no one is asking anyone to talk, or read simple instructions in map chat between burn phases. Shit, I even learned how to be a decent Lucio in Overwatch because I got tired of people skating around not spamming heal off CD during team battles and pushes. I've even been getting in some Genji lately. This is probably one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to the onslaught of epic single player games coming out the next few weeks.
  19. Yeah, fuck off Activision. This is blasphemy, and now I have zero interest in a stand alone version.
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