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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. I game with my friends mostly. I never was one to meet new people playing games. A few of my friends have gamer friends they met playing gears of war and what not, but I just like playing with people I know personally. I play the shit out of some Battlefield, but as far as a single player game, I rarely get into those anymore... I might buy 2 or 3 in a year, play them once and either never play them again, or play them years later for nostalgia's sake.... like KOTORI and II. I remember I use to be able to play Twisted Metal 2 by myself all day, over and over and over... I don't have that patience anymore... and if a game is ridiculously hard, I tend to lose interest fast. Games like Mass Effect and MGS I play because I like the story. I'll shell out $60 for 30-70+ hours of one play through... those games that take 3-4 hours to beat, I won't waste my cash on anymore. Social Media I probably get on 2-3 hours after I get home from work. I use to post 40 statuses a day back with FB was new... now not so much. I use to have a MySpace, LiveJournal, and who knows what else when I was young... I keep a twitter, but I could go days without posting something. I generally go out with friends 1-2 nights a week when I'm off. We always go out to eat and try new places we haven't been before when new spots open up. We'll watch crappy movies, or play some board games like Risk. There isn't much phone browsing going on during that period.
  2. I've heard its very violent and sexually explicit... Walking Dead is as well, but from what I've read about Preacher, It wouldn't be able to get around the too graphic for TV stuff without watering it down to where it wasn't worth it.
  3. I was like WTF!!! When I saw this... def a top 10 shocker.... but this was my favorite... and its a spoiler worth watching I never thought a game would let me turn someone to the darkside... after hours of dedication and work... this was so satisfying.
  4. Naughty Dog is becoming Prominent fast. I was reading yesterday that developers and media sources were calling Second Son PS4's first Naughty Dog type game.... when your brand is used as a complement, you're doing something right. I regret I've never played the Uncharted Series, but I will be getting the next installment on PS4.
  5. I depends on the testing period. The first few days are going to be a wreck... there are going to be so many people trying it out, but as I've said, this is the best possible thing that can happen. Destiny is going to get a true stress test, unlike every AAA multiplayer experience out there. Open beta use to be common, and one day everyone got stuck up and hired "professional testers"... why pay for something you can get for free? I'm not looking for something thats going to blow my mind, I kinda want that to wait for the actual game, but I would like an epic small taste of what is yet to come. I'm sure there will be plenty of fire team public events. I'm looking at 3 level cap increases, a minor boss, and some pvp testing.
  6. If anyone can do it it's bungie. Although I was never a huge fan of Halo, I do respect the fact that each game was unique and different from the previous unlike the cookie cutter approach that most fps seires rely on. They aren't afraid to delve into the unknown and take chances. I can't wait to see what they have put together.
  7. http://www.vg247.com/2014/02/05/destiny-could-hit-10-million-lifetime-sales/ 10 million during its lifetime? Thats a lot of damn players, even divided by 4... I would say it would be more heavy on the PS4/XB1 side eventually.
  8. Isn't that new Strider game coming out any day now as well? I figure that would take up a lot of your time for a while .
  9. I wish I would have saved a lot of my old sigs from sigs.ancientclan.net.. its too bad I saved most of them to geocities and angelfire back in the day. I started remembering a few of them, but they are gone forever.

    1. Sledgstone
    2. DeathscytheX


      Lupin! Yes!!, I forgot about the "Freakin' Panz" one ROTFL!!! But The one I really wanted was my ULTRAVENUS ;) Thanks! I ripped that bad ass Minako image from deviantart years ago, and now its gone... I wish I had the template. It's probably on my old ass comp that doesnt work. A lot of my .pdf files from my banners are still on the comp.

    3. Sledgstone


      You're welcome. I have all the .psd files for my old sigs on an ancient computer I turn on twice a year. XD

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  10. Damn Strider . I payed for 3 months and marathoned through Sith Warrior.... When I get the urge I'll probably buy 3 more months and play through as a Jedi. Paying for a whole year is something I cannot justify because I know a lot of that money will go to waste while I dont play it... but I like getting sprint and the speeder early as well as having relics and all crew skills.
  11. Stirke 1 - Making a joke of out Devastator after mislabeling him in the first film. Strike 2 - "Transformers Heaven" and sock dust Strike 3 - Reducing Shockwave into some side show insignifcant villain that accomplished nothing.
  12. Hair Metal!!!!!!!! If you didn't have a crush on Bobbi Brown in the 80s, something was wrong with you Paradise City! Runnin' With the Devil!!!
  13. Opeth anyone? King Diamond? Type O Negative? Want to get hyped up?! What about some F*cking Pantera?! I love this song so much, Dime's guitar work is out of this world Only because it was the second harderst song on Guitar Hero behind Dragonforce. DRAGONFORCE!!!!!!!!
  14. http://www.vg247.com/2014/02/03/titanfall-will-have-3-mech-types-at-launch-respawn-fearful-over-launch/ If there is a PC beta, I will def give it a shot, but this game seems to be getting more lackluster with every new article.... It seems like this was definitely designed for old gen and the XB1 and PC versions are just a Next Gen glorified port. 6 on 6 with AI grunts, and only 3 mech types isn't pushing the envelope. With Jason West leaving Respawn before Titanfall even came out, I looks like my dream of a COD4 type shooter is out the window. It might be better than PS4 will get a Titanfall 2, when and if they can refine the mechanics... maybe TF1 will be the equivalent of COD2 lol.
  15. They are all really good, but I love his astronomy ones the best, since I love space science. "What We'll Miss" and the one about what would happen if the sun disappeared are probably my two favorite ever.
  16. A drone above the clouds? Fast deployment method. Refraction from rain shouldn't be an issue, a blizzard is another story though.
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2551219/Lockheed-Martin-reveals-portable-LASER-weapon-used-the.html
  18. Looks good, but how many times are they going to destroy/heavily damage the flying aircraft carrier?
  19. Here is the trailer for the 4th installment of the Transformers film series. Looks terrible... and the CGI looks the worst of the 4 films... pass. Click here to view the article
  20. Looks terrible... and the CGI looks the worst of the 4 films... pass.
  21. Lightening was worth the massive expenditure it tolled on your force meter as light side.
  22. The SKS is ultra over powered after the new BF4 patch. XD *abuses the crap out of it until it gets nerfed back*

    1. DeathscytheX


      Support choppers can now take two RPG direct hits. I guess it makes since because it has no pilot offensive capabilities, and it can hold up to 5 people... it would be too easy of a multi-kill.

    2. Sledgstone


      Thats good. It'll encourage more people to use them.

    3. DeathscytheX


      I'll keep putting it to the test. :P

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