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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. Thats awesome... just not $500 awesome for a console upgrade... i can deal with a little spinning. lol. Althought I might buy an SSD just for battlefield. I'm sure its gonna be 250GB of DLC over the span of a year.
  2. It definitely will not be the Chinese. They may be on the verge of becoming the world's superpower right now, but it will be short lived. Their obsession for male heirs eventually is going to cause a population issue when there are too few women (which is already kinda a problem). Their resources for scientists and soldiers will eventually become a serious issue. This could also be problematic if they decide to invade neighboring asian nations for its citizens if you know what I mean.
  3. Now that Youtube fixed its comments section, it should fix its rick rolled and fake videos.

    1. Sledgstone


      The still pic videos.. I hate those. Unless I'm looking for a specific song. I tried to find a futurama clip on youtube.. pretty pointless.. still images with music or dialogue. >_<

    2. DeathscytheX
    3. Sledgstone
    4. Show next comments  501 more
  4. DeathscytheX

    YT thread

    I could only imagine what that looked like from Earth.
  5. http://kotaku.com/upgrade-your-playstation-4-or-3-with-a-solid-state-dr-1459838495 Interesting. SSD are too expensive for my taste tho I might take their budget suggestion and upgrade early on http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Solid-Hybrid-2-5-Inch-ST1000LM014/dp/B00B99JUBQ/?tag=kotakuamzn-20&ascsubtag=[referrer|kotaku.com[type|link[postId|1459838495[asin|B00B99JUBQ[authorId|5856732741879800112
  6. Robocop will be in theaters this February, here is a new trailer. This post has been promoted to an article
  7. DeathscytheX


    Robocop will be in theaters this February, here is a new trailer.
  8. Now you just need a giant big wheel rolling on its side for the boulder
  9. I just noticed Netflix has Godzilla movies now! O_O

    1. Sledgstone


      oh shit.. I'll be watching a marathon this weekend. :D

  10. PAYDAY does something interesting with bots. The AI controlled players seem to have 6 times more health than real players. They don't contribute much other than being able to revive you when you just getting blasted by constant gunfire. They'll take out a specialist every now and then but other than that, they are pretty useless.
  11. There is really no reason for that... I was watching some of the gameplay commentary.. it just doesn't do much for me... its like they kinda sorta tried to slow down the action... which isn't good for COD... thats not its play style. They should have bumped up the player count if they were going to have larger maps. The reviews for this game have been pretty meh.
  12. Found this channel and he has some really awesome ones http://www.youtube.com/user/VermillionZer0/videos A lot of Evangelion and Darker than Black ones tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBrwGGmeIKo Welcome to the NHK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWk2wMJdpTg Canaan... it wasn't on netflix long enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooU85F035n0 Angel Beats had some of the most beautiful animation I've yet to see. He really captures it
  13. LOL Ok... now this is just pathetic.
  14. Man, nothing was scarier than the witch because if even one person pissed her off she was coming after everyone.. guns were blazing hoping someone could take her down before everyone got incapacitated ... it did suck with only 2 people because the bots would just try to revive you while she rampaged and they'd go down too...
  15. Oh and sometimes the witch is spawned right in front of the safe room that ends the chapter... Thats always fun especially if you are the last one standing and everyone is relying on you for the win.... even with a med pac the witch is more deadly than the tank as she is impossible to run away from. I guess they toned it down... that sucks... takes the horror out of it.
  16. You talking about L4D? Sometimes its not beatable with 4 players. Even on normal difficultly it can get hairy at times, thats why It didn't come with many chapters... kinda like PAYDAY: The Heist. The games difficulty is what keeps you coming back for more to beat it. Both games randomly place items and situational focus points for a scenario. Sometimes they work to your advantage, sometimes it puts you at an incredible disadvantage. On L4D, a part of that is the thrill of wondering where the Witch is going to be placed.... sometimes she ends up in a location where you cant avoid her at all, and if everyone is out of medpacs and low on health it sucks, especially if a swarm is about to come. Losing a mission on L4D isn't as frustrating as it is on BF3 Spec-Ops... Its so much less tactical and fun to play through every time.
  17. MW2 is pretty old after all... Whats sad is that its based off the MW2 engine, but its worse.. the game hasn't acted like MW2 since MW2. lol
  18. L4D has a single player mode where you play with 3 bots and you take way less damage because the bots are very stupid and clumsy. A co-op game required at least 1 other person, but bots would always operate the other 2 players.
  19. Definitely one of the best bundles in a while, but PS4 is next week and I don't have time to play any of those.
  20. Someone in the comments section on Kotaku was telling me about how later KZ had different control schemes between solo campaign and mutli and it was really frustrating as to why they decided to do that. Controls are more important than graphics or anything else in an FPS to me, its like driving games... if you try to change it up just to be different, you're going to piss off a lot of players into not wanting to play your game.
  21. I played a lot of BL2 by myself because my schedule didn't match up with my friends. Its story is much better, and its just as enjoyable by yourself as it is co-op.
  22. My problem with Killzone is the pure shit control scheme they've forced upon people in the past games... Like pressing right stick to ADS... WTF? Thats so unnatural. I might give it a shot once I find out they have a more accommodating control scheme or at least free customization of the button layout.
  23. I've only played with friends, I don't play with randoms on co-op.
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