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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. NFS stopped being worth anything when Carbon started in my opinion. It peaked at NFS 3: Hot Pursuit. I use to be an avid NFS fan.
  2. I dunno, what did you use it for? All three of these people are engineers or programmers and used their laptop pretty heavily. I guess its just one of those things, like when people say a game console's live is only about 3-5 years before it breaks, yet I have owned all of mine for far longer than that and they still work perfectly. Godgrave: Yeah i know... you can get carried away with added all the cool stuff you really dont need. X'D Their PCs are more price friendly than their laptops, but I just thought I would suggest it.
  3. do NOT get a gateway... trust me. They are complete crap. There customer service is so good because their stuff continually breaks. I've known 3 different people that had gateway laptops and they all were just a real POS. Stick with Dell or customize your own at ibuypower.com and that way it wont come loaded with all the BS shareware and other promotional crap. I bought my PC from there and its the best one I've ever owned. I also have a Dell laptop that has lived its life (its about 5 years old), and its still going strong.
  4. Bleh. Everyone says linksys is the best, I have my reservations about that. I use one, and any change you make in the factory settings seems to screw everything up. I tried to do a couple things to optimize the connections to other computers and the damn thing would keep dropping the connection to other computers until i changed it back.
  5. According to Comingsoon it was just revealed. When did you first see it? Its similar to the first one.
  6. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/300.html nice.
  7. Wow I was wondering what they did with all that stuff.. now I know why they tell you not to throw away cell phones and laptops. Turn them in so they can be "properly disposed of".
  8. I'm not sure about compact fluorescent, but i know standard fluorescent light is very bad for your eyes. I can attest to that seeing as i spend 30-35 hours a week exposed to them. My eye sight gets worse every year, and It never got that bad until I started working. There isn't anything wrong with a standard lightbulb if they used more expensive material.. sadly they dont so you can buy more bulbs. Funny how your car's tail lights will work for 3-5 years but the bulbs you stick in your ceiling fan wont last for more than 8-9 months if that.
  9. Wow, I haven't heard of Magic the Gathering since the 90s.
  10. The Hokage postponed the Gaara v. Sasuke fight because he wasn't there yet, last ep.
  11. Nope. Any 14 year old can go into EB and buy GTA. I'm pretty sure the rated R movie is at the theater's digression. I don't know if that is a real law or not for sure, But I remember plenty of high school teenies buying tickets to Saw III with no parents. I bought plenty of rated R movies when I was 16. Edit: I think porno is the only exception, and NC-17 movies. where there is a law.. which I have never seen in a theater. I think those type dont make it down here in the bible belt of the country lol.
  12. Yeah I know, and they all pretty much suck too after the sega/snes era. I figured since they teamed up with namco they would put out a superior product, but i guess it hasn't happened yet. From what I read, the game is pretty buggy. I'm pretty disappointed.
  13. Indeed. If states plan on passing such laws, then they might as well pass the same exact type of laws on rated R movies. I guess they are too stupid to even think about something like that.
  14. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/748/748434p1.html
  15. Crossfire got an Abysmal rating, how do you like it?
  16. Thats odd. Its done it ever since I had FF2 beta.
  17. Its just automatic. I don't think there is a setting for it. Its just a memory recovery type thing. If you have to end process because some video plugin froze FF up, the next time you start up FF it will ask you if you wish to restore the previous session that was lost or start a new one. Its very nice.
  18. Killer Instinct was the best fighting game ever.
  19. They also have the Restore Session. Not sure if the new IE has this. but I love it. If the power goes out unexpectedly or the computer freezes up. Next time you boot up firefox it will ask you if you want to restore the last session that ended abruptly.
  20. wow Sakura has become a real hottie.
  21. Yeah thats the big thing, tying it down kinda limits what you can do.
  22. One of my friends has one, he loves Zelda, and says Wii Sports is pretty cool. But he says the wifi is really weak and he cant pick up the signal from his room. I really hope this isn't an issue when i get one. He says there isn't an ethernet port in the back, but he wasnt sure.
  23. I like firefox, simply because the favorites toolbar, and i've noticed ever since i used it that spybot doesn't seem to have to work as hard. clearing out the temp memory is more user friendly also.
  24. I have a 20inch, and its really nice. Im not accustomed to a HDTV, although I want one. I kinda wish I could hook it up to this monitor. The graphics are still great. But even as the graphics improve, the gameplay is what this system is all about believe it or not. despite whether blu-ray succeeds or not, it will for the game industry. Or sony at least, HD-DVD can only hold half the information and DVDs hold less than 1/5th of what a blu-ray disk can handle. I'm still blown away about the AI. I cant wait until Warhawk comes out to put the sixaxis to the real test. EDIT: btw, I know what you mean, when it comes to retail chain's and there demo consoles. they put the tv to where you have to look straight up into the sky almost. its painful to the neck. but i guess they do that so people wont hog the machine... also why they no longer put real games on them. just demo's that normally reset in 5-10 minutes.
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