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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. I still want to play the campaign, but this has def dropped on my priority list. TF1 was a much better game after release. Maybe this game will do the same. The more BF1 details that emerge just hurt my interest in any other gaming experience that's close to the same time frame.
  2. Wow, this is probably the best change to the vehicle system the game has ever had. The fact that it reserves it for you once you pick it so you have time to tinker with the type and load out is amazing. There was nothing more frustrating in BF4 than trying to pick a boat and it would go dark on you because someone else was quicker on the button spam.
  3. I hope the next character Overwatch release is a defense or tank. I keep getting the teams where someone thinks they're a Ana pro. So many losses because of it. It's always my team too. We've resorted to a friend picking Ana, and then when we load in he swaps and I spam emotes and voice lines to cover up the swap. -_-;

    1. DeathscytheX


      If her stealth aspect that everyone is guessing becomes true, she could be defense too. If she can cloak, my guess is that her DPS will be on par with Genji's standard attack. She might get a big burst combo like Junkrat's trap/mine or Roadhog's hook-shoot-melee. 

      I've been playing a lot more Roadhog lately and enjoying it. His self sustain is really good, plus I love hole hog on a surprise flank. It's a triple kill almost every time. If Ana is the only healer I'll go with Roadhog or 76 and heal my damn self. Everytime I try to take one for the team I die to much to make a difference as a healer. Sometimes I'll go with Zenyatta too, but he needs line of sight like Ana, and some people don't know when to come back and get healed, even when I try to be Lucio, people play like mercy was picked and is pocket healing them. XD Mercy's mobility is wild now. She's very hard to hit unless your Reaper, D.Va, Roadhog, or Soldier where you can spray and pray. 

    2. DeathscytheX


      XD pretty much how I feel.

    3. Sledgstone


      I love that character. XD

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  4. Its probably super repetitive like Dynasty Warriors, but I'd def pick this up on the cheap.
  5. I'd say that is what TF1 had. I remember getting 3-4 titans a match. Since Titanfall 1 had a 2 minute static timer, you'd be garaunteed 5 titans in a 10 minute match. But Matches were a bit shorter back then.
  6. The cost of going back to WWI is that your cosmetics are very limited. Overwatch makes money off cosmetics, poses, sprays, emotes, and potg highlight intros. It's wacky, cartoony, and in a universe that it works with. Titanfall will probably sell cosmetics and burn card packs. Battlefield is a war simulator. Outside of skins there is not much else you can ethically sell w/o drawing p2w cries. They sell the shortcuts, but I doubt they make a substantial amount on it. It's boring for most of us to buy our way past progression. Skins are only so appealing for this era without immersion breaking. Unless they do go to the future, I'd see BF Premium staying a thing. Even though I'm going to buy it, I wouldn't mind them giving it away for free a bit more early to keep the maps populated. COD could easily give free maps with the direction it's heading. Their rng boxes, as bullshit as they are, have been a success for then. But I'm sure they'll still be greedy assholes.
  7. I doubt they'll get a chance at NMS2. They'll have to make something completely different. People have even stopped playing it on Steam. Once I get my 48 slot ship, I'll probably stop playing too. Even at 96 inventory slots, inventory is still an ass. I haven't made half my suit upgrades just because of it. Upgrades should have never taken the majority of your inventory slots.
  8. Gizmodo made a list of the top 14 weirdest episodes of Quantum Leap. Its really a mix of its weirdest and best in one list. The Oswald 2-part was def an all time favorite of mine. http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-14-weirdest-quantum-leap-episodes-of-all-time-1785484622

    1. Sledgstone


      I remember the JFK eps and they were really good. But leaping into the body of a space chimp? XD lmao. I don't remember that ep at all. XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      XD What? That was a great ep. LMAO I think he was suppose to be euthanize, but in the end he was saved because his handler fell into a river or something, and he saved her. Chimps can't swim, but since Sam did as a chimp, they wanted to study him more, saving his life. XD

    3. Sledgstone


      rotflmao! XD Now I have to watch this episode on netflix. XD

  9. Star Citizen came to light in 2013 and they are still in alpha stage. This game probably could have used 2 more years of development. I think there is a big problem with announcing games too early these days, and then trying to release them too early.
  10. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/account-security/2-step-verification/ It's about time.
  11. So yeah. The ending of this game is to get to the center of the galaxy and the game basically resets and you go to another galaxy. Zero ending. You keep all your stuff, but every single bit of tech is broken. I read you need 10 atlas stones to create a new galaxy. I assume if you don't, you just get sent to a galaxy someone else has created. Pretty shitty for a game I'm starting to feel is highly unfinished. I'm still having fun with it, but it's def not worth the $60 I paid for it. I haven't been to the center of the galaxy yet, but there are a lot of things that have become apparent playing even longer now. The game is very vast. I've only run into 1 system discovered by someone else, and that was probably only because it was an atlas interface system. The most likely way you'll find a previously discovered system. My main gripe is between the 3 races. Gek, Korvax, and Vy'Keen. I seem to run into the Gek systems lopsidedly over the other two. I know a ton of Gek words and can traslate 80% of way they say now, while the other two races I barely ever come in contact with. For every 5-6 systems of Gek I hit, I'll hit one of the other. Yet, I've managed to max out favor with all 3, so there is a bit of inbalance with how easy it is to max favor, while missteps barely make a dent when you lose favor sometimes. There really isn't much point to any of it anyways after the first 20 hours. I say this because I gained all the blueprints the game has to offer probably within the first 10-20 hours of the game. There really isn't much point in talking to aliens outside of learning new words, because I always get "This blueprint is already known" every time now. None of them use the yellow metals that you can craft or find in rarity, and even some of the purple tier elements are never used. These things had a purpose outside of selling on the TP. Green items are labeled trade commodities, and were designed to be sellable treasures, the yellow labeled items feel like they had a different purpose that never made it into the game. Honestly, once you get a 48 slot ship and max your inventory, you've beaten the game for all intents and purposes. you can lock up all the achievements, and after that you're just sight seeing. You could learn more alien words and what not, but outside of that, there isn't much else to do.
  12. http://trib.al/vAp3NWu I'll be interested to see these changes this weekend.
  13. The ultimate edition on amazon doesn't come with the game I read. Wtf
  14. The $16 isn't for the theme tho. it's for the skins and 3 days early access.
  15. Pretty neat, but the obnoxious cheering for stupid generic shit gets way out of hand. The fanboyism is so hard on this game. Some of the hud IU is really nice, but cheering for a planetary map that looks like a MSDOS render as if it was more beautiful than the Mass Effect galaxy map was a bit silly. People are prasing these visuals to be the best ever, and yet I see a bunch of motion blur, and bland textures. Yeah its alpha, I know, but honestly the visuals don't need to be what Crysis was for its time. It just needs to be fun.
  16. The BF1 dynamic theme is probably the best one PS4 has. I can't find a video of it though. I've been using it ever since I preordered it.
  17. I absolutely blow with McCree. Every once in a while on Quick Play I'll bust him out as a joke. Today I went 13-0 on Hanamura. It was the most satisfying performance I've ever had. I shut down people 9 times on the objective. Mostly Genji, Tracer, and Reinhardt. Catching tracer with the flashbang feels so damn good.
  18. In BF4 my favorite troll was RPG chopper take downs. In Overwatch it's trap/mine Genji, especially in his ult with Junkrat. XD I'll have to upload my match later where two Genji's tried to harass me, I got the better of them both way more times than they got me. 

    1. Strider Hiryu
    2. DeathscytheX


       XD I love it when a Genji player just starts his ult right there in plain slight rather than hiding somewhere first. Insta-kill shutdown. XD

  19. I wish they'd let me change my handle for $10 like XBL does.
  20. Probably to make people choose between a titan weapon and their cheap ass smart pistol burn card. Which everyone will use the smart pistols because titan weapons are a joke.
  21. You could swap them. It was called button rocker I believe. That's the first thing I swap every FPS game I play ever. Presets should go away. Overwatch let's you fully customize your button layout, button by button, and even so for each hero. That just tells me it's possible on console for this type of input customization now. It would be nice if BF1 let us do this for each vehicle type.
  22. That pilot that just stood there and let you incinerate him with the Titan beam cannon says it all. I've played my share of really bad players. 400-double digit bad. There is literally no reason to stay still out in the open where no cap point is like that guy did. You made him pay for his noobness.
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