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Everything posted by Kuwabara

  1. The New Beautiful Anime Girl is now Lacus Clyne. Can anyone prove me wrong that there is a prettier anime girl out there?
  2. I didnt see it yesterday i fell asleep during Futurama.
  3. Integra and his Desire to have him sire here.
  4. So it had the history of Zolo or the Fighting and sword dealing like in Inu movie 3.
  5. Kuwabara

    A Quick question

    Off Topic. Sabe your Scar sigs pwn.
  6. mine just stopped writers block. But Fanfics today are pissing me off as is fan art. Duo and heero are not gay so arn't Hiei and Kuruma.
  7. I wonder will they give him his cig on Toonami.
  8. Ya Yo Ya Yo!!!! Dont Give it Sabe (Dreaming) Dobt give it uo Cabit (Dreaming) Dont give it up Strider (Dreaming) Dont Give it Up Eppy.
  9. But you had to have loved that ep. Cause it was side splitting. They finally that little turd.
  10. Sabe the Song Rocks. Just say it with me. Ya yo ya yo.
  11. That is why i watch The Toonami one because it is at least a little better.
  12. The Dutch man was gay. I thought Mugen was gonna kill him for admittin that.
  13. And me with D. Simply because that is his Sole Purpose killing Vamps like Alucard.
  14. He Probably could win. After all he is a Vampire hunter.
  15. How long will take they catch 4kids.
  16. i dont 4 kids of the poor quality of the picture.
  17. "Dont really know he is already to old to change. But Sera is a fresh Vamp i want to see if she will forgo her values and Follow Alucard or Oppose him and Integra's ways.
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