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Everything posted by gokuDX7

  1. That makes sense. I wonder why my insurance has been dropping so much . I'm not even close to 25 yet and its been dropping about about $50 a year. This year after getting my new jeep it dropped even more which makes no sense since the jeep is newer. My registration for the town and state when up by $20 though.
  2. I have a benQ lcd monitor. No problems here.
  3. That's weird as hell. I saw the first article about the guy getting preggos but I didn't know he used to be a model lol. O well, Hope his daughter doesnt grow up messed up from finding out her dad gave birth to her. lol I can just see it now. Teacher: Hey Sam wheres your mom? Sam: Over there *points to the man* Teacher: no who gave birth to you? Sam: *points to the man* *friends all laugh and giggle.*
  4. Ya, and the "good" ones probably make up the whole total DVD sales. Hollywood needs to learn that not everyone wants a remake or sequel to an 80's classic. They need to go back and learn how to be original and creative.
  5. You know I have to agree with you. I'm a die hard CSS strict fan but lately I've been tempted to open dreamweaver and just do it in a table with inlined css. I've been getting to the point where I just want to get the project(s) done and get paid. What the web really needs is a div WYSIWYG editor that resembles a table editor lol. Just open up place your divs, resize them, and watch it generate the css for you . Then a setting to make the css work or generate a new css file for IE6,7, firefox and opera. That would make every web designer happy as hell! lol
  6. I wish I could take that mentality. Unfortunately 90% of my clients still use IE6 so any site I make has to work in IE6+ which is a bitch since IE6 doesn't follow standards and IE7 has a hard time with strict standard code. Such a pain! All I can say is I'll be happy as hell when IE8 comes out with it's fully standard and backward compatibility mode. No more multiple css files for stupid IE. Firefox all the way!
  7. I'm on the family plan with my dad but since hes got a bad record I pay the same as I would if I wasn't on the family plan . Are you 25 yet? My state farm person told me when you hit 25 they take off a huge percent because thats when they consider you an adult in their eyes. If you have a good record they also take off around $50 a year. I'm sure you've noticed your bill drop over the years. PS. ya someone in my drivers ed class asked this and the teacher said it's true girls get into more accidents but they're less likely to get into accidents that harm people or kill them. Apparently guys get into fewer accidents but we cause more deaths....go figure >.<. I hate women drivers that are on their phones not paying attention to the road or old granny's.
  8. or people just think the movies made lately suck.
  9. Gas alone is horrible. If you know how to drive a standard, buy a standard and don't look back! - For registration I pay my state $80 and my town $80. Like DX said it varies based on your State and town. - For Insurance I pay $350 in July and $290 in Dec. This is because I've had the same insurance since I got my license and I've never gotten a ticket or caused an accident. You insurance would probably be way more since your not from the country and it's your first time driving here and your new to the company. - Vehicle cost, My jeep cost $3,500 because it was used and had problems with it that I planned to fix on my own. However not all used cars have problems. My friend and his mother just bought their new cars used for $2,000 each and their in perfect condition. So if you know where to look you can definitely get great deals on used cars. If you're not into the whole used car thing you could always lease a new car (its kind of like renting). Leasing can range from as low as $100 a month up to $800 or more a month. Most car company's have a set limit of time you can lease a Vehicle too. It's normally 2-4 years. You could also just buy a brand new car which you would still have to make monthly payments once a month. Probably around the same as you would pay for leasing a vehicle. My mom pays about $350 a month on her new ford SUV that she bought. My dad pays about $300 a month for his new leased ford SUV. - Car inspection happens once a year normally on the month you registered your vehicle or on your birthday month. It ranges from $23-$40. I pay $30. - Oil change every 2,000 or so miles ranges from $25 to $40. I pay about $30. If you know how to do it your self you would end up spending way less. - Gas will probably be your biggest long term problem. Depending on what kind of car you get and where you live, you could be spending more then $40 a week on gas alone. However If you don't drive a lot you may not even have to spend that much. I work from home so I normally only fill up half a tank and that costs about $20 for me.
  10. gokuDX7

    wait, what?

    lol thats pretty funny.
  11. It also matters on the person. You wont know unless you try it a few times I suppose. All I can really say is ask your eye doctor what he would do or suggest doing. Chances are he/she will say to take them out when sleeping to let your eyes breath. I'm not saying you HAVE too, I'm only saying what I've learned and experienced. It doesn't hurt to keep them in over night every so often, just not every night. Ever since I started taking them out at night 2 years ago, I've noticed my contacts last longer and my eyes feel more refreshed. And yes I do have over night contacts just in case you want to know. A little off topic but if you keep hard contacts in over night they mold your eye, then when you take them out the next day you can see perfect for about 4 hours lol. My dad did this once and thought he was going crazy. Apparently their selling special hard contacts now that you put in over night just for that purpose. I imagine they hurt like hell though when waking up and trying to take them out of your eye.
  12. Has anyone else seen the popular prisoner dancing videos that where going around last year? Well the Prison has their own youtube video now haha. http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=byronfgarcia
  13. prescription or just none powered lenses? If prescription then id say go to your eye doctor. They normally have cheap ones you can buy in popular colors. If your looking for fancy ones with designs like Naruto eyes or something then you will have to look online though. The prices can range the cheaper they are the shorter they will last.
  14. its funny because I've never seen the term chakra used any other place then Naruto but I have seen that diagram before on Chinese practitioner web sites and Japanes ki explanation sites both explaining how the body needs to always be aligned in a straight line in order to help better your health and breathing. Do I believe any of this stuff? A little. However I definitely don't believe that people can create magical balls or shock waves to attack eachother like in DBZ and Naruto though. But I've noticed a difference in how I feel when just doing a few breathing exercises. I think the guy is spot on when he mentions when you get older you become more lazy when breathing. When you're younger you breath with both nose and mouth and you fill your stomach first before exhaling. When your older you tend to breath shorter breaths putting more stress on your lungs. Interesting stuff.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb3Ok9WeDTA I know the title of the youtube video sounds funny becuse it has Naruto and DBZ in the title but just do what the guy says. When I first noticed this video I cracked up laughing, like many of you would do when you see a video about chi/ki and Naruto/DBZ in the title. But I decided to try it anyway. I followed the directions half heartily wile sitting in my computer seat with a huge giggling smile on my face. So around the step where he says "make the ball smaller by moving your palms closer" I was like ok simple but then noticed something, I was having a hard time making it smaller. It actually felt like I had a ball in my hand. My giggling face changed to a shocked face. So I move on to the next step which is to point your finger and make a circular motion in the palm of your other hand. So I did this and started noticing small waving movements almost like I had jello in my hand and I was moving it around. I'm not sure if it's becuse we fool our minds into thinking we have an object in them or if it's really chi/ki but whatever it is was pretty weird. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb3Ok9WeDTA
  16. Even if you can sleep in them, try not too. It causes your eye to dry up and the chance of eye cancer doubles. Also if the contact slips off its probably because your not blinking enough or your eyes not producing enough liquid. This happens to me sometimes when playing video games or on the computer. Another tip, anytime your reading a book at home or using the computer and you're not going anywhere, take you're contacts out. I never did this when I was a kid but later after my eyes had gotten worse over the years, found out by the eye doctor that it helps reduce the risk of your eyes getting any worse. Just my tips
  17. http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/sony-sells-over-9-million-ps3s-in-fiscal-08-game-division-sales-rise-26-/?biz=1 So their 1.2 in the hole still and we will probably see that number increase more if they don't put out more exclusive games or have to produce more PS3's (which they will have to do at some point). Each system they make they lose $500 or more. It's gonna take them some time to catch up. I still blame their marketing team for messing everything up at the start of the next gen wars. They should have been focusing less on pitching the PS3 as a Blue ray player and more time pushing game developers to make games. Promoting it as a Blue-Ray player should have been happening right now in staid of before. The Price cut was great for the consumes but bad for Sony. They where already losing money at the start and to cut it more only caused them to double or even triple their loss. I guess most of these errors could also be attributed to Sony's conceited attitude at the very start thinking they would have no problems selling PS3 like hotcakes. I give Sony a year or two at max before the PS3 starts to show up in everyones house hold (unless a cheaper blu-ray player comes out). The reason for this is because movie company's, by then, will start making Blu-ray only movies to try and push people away from DVDs. But in 2 years Microsoft and Nintendo will have probably already leaked news about their new systems. So theres no telling how things will pan out.
  18. gokuDX7

    Sharingan Vs Byakugan

    ya I think I might have to agree with Godgrave. The Rinnegan is strong and the whole part about the origin of it being the creation of the ninja world...etc makes it seem like the ultimate eyes. It upside is it only happening to one person every thousand or so years.
  19. gokuDX7

    Gundam 00

    I'm glad they didn't go into to much detail with the super soldier thing. Crap like that has been done too much in gundam. I wished that Allejulah/Halleluah guy wouldv'e died so they could stop referencing brainwaves and super soldier shit that only has to do with two characters in the entire series. Saji and Louise are so damn pointless. Unless they become major characters in season 2, they wasted so much time on the two of them when they could have done some sort of backstory on any other character or at least givin more information about Veda and it's AI with miraculous information gathering ability. It was refreshing that colonies were not in this season, but colonies were mentioned in I think one sentance in one of the later episodes. "My parents died on blah blah colony" So with the earth now unified and all gundam's series' plots focusing on mankinds never ending warmongering with one another, I wouldn't be surprised if the unified earth will now set its sights on conquering space faring people like colonies. But, wouldn't it be a fucking awesome twist if it turns out CB knew an alien force was moving in towards earth? What if it turns out CB's ultimate goal was realized in uniting earth into a single power in an attempt to save all of humanity from a truely outside threat? But we all know this would never happen. looks like you liked it. Ya, Lockon was in everyones top 2 fav chars. I think the reason being is becuse hes the only normal guy. He acts so casual its almost like he could be your best buddy. Everyone else either doesn't talk, puts people down, or is just crazy. I agree, it sucks about what happen but they needed to keep the show realistic. It would suck if he just randomly showed up in space all safe floating around like nothing happened. Saji and Louise where used for two things. The first, being to show what it's like to be a normal middle class teenager with no power at all feeling the effects of war. And the second being, it builds up their background for the second season. They both play major parts in the second season as you can see from the ending of the first season. Veda will also most likely be explained extensively since we now have an army of Cyborg clones. PS. There is a masked man in the second season if you look closely in the end of the last ep in Gundam 00 , lets hope it's not who you think it is.
  20. ya the wall of zombies looks great. The whole game looks refreshing. I can't wait till it and Starcraft 2 come out.
  21. I started watching the anime before starting the manga and didn't even notice the fillers . Watched right over them then became annoyed when the fights started becoming 1 vs 1 in the ark (which you're probably not at yet). Felt to much like Bleach's manga.
  22. lol Sledg I don't think thats gonna stop him. I can so see him making his students buy him ramen lol. "J: they're 106 Kakashi: huh? J: They're 106! *both look at the 5th's boobs*" hahah best part
  23. This was a pretty boring chapter but I guess it was needed. I wonder what will happen to the people still in HM.
  24. http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/sony-has-lost-over-3-billion-on-the-ps3/1223467
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