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Everything posted by LeeLee

  1. LeeLee

    My art

    about 15 years. Went to schools down here for art. The last 5 I've slacked off a bit.
  2. LeeLee

    My art

    Thanks! I don't draw as much as I'd like. I need to get into anime again. That's what inspired me in the past!
  3. Still have to see it! Not fair! If Tristy-poo says it's good I def wanna see it!
  4. Bah! I dunno about this. I saw the first one. Little dissapointed what with all the big names. When I saw there was a 2nd movie I thought it was a joke at first. It would be awesome if this was the rare kind of sequal that is actually better than the first. I'm going to see it reguardless.
  5. LeeLee


    Ya, I kinda miss mine. I liked the Gameboy Advance slot. I know you can download a lot of those games now, but not all.
  6. Well it makes sense from your point of things. I don't really have any one type of comic that I read. I read manga and american comics equally. I don't have one fandom that I focus on. I'm not so much a fan of the comic, so much as a fan of the art and story. I see free comic day as a day I can get something I wouldn't normally spend money on, and take the chance it might be something I like. Then I can go back and get more. I go mainly to support the comic. As an artist, and a lover of the printed word, I see the death of comics coming. It makes me sad. I for one plan to fight to the end!
  7. LeeLee


    Wow! It has been a while. At least now everyone is older and there prolly isn't as much drama.
  8. LeeLee

    Bueno Cinco!

    Yeah! That supermoon was a beauty! Got to see it over the Florida ocean!
  9. Almost all the stores give away old unwanted comics. I never find anything I WANT, but I always come away with something interesting. Free comic day in my area comes with gaming, events, and sales at my local shop. Last year they had a comic/anime costume contest. Is Dead pool the only comic you read? I don't think you should give up on comics altogether. There are plenty of amazing comics with equally amazing artists that need our support!
  10. LeeLee


    It's def worth checking out. I've gad a DS since the lites came out. I has the dsi before my 3d one. I was worried that it would suck, but I play with my ds more now than I did the other two versions of the ds. The only thing about the whole deal with the different DS coming out is that up until now they were coming out with new versions too soon. As soon as I bought a DS lite 6 months later there was the DSI, then the DSIxl. Hope they focus more on new game titles this time and wait on releasing a new device.
  11. LeeLee

    Bueno Cinco!

    Wow! Had a close call last night. I live in a downtown area with lots of bars/clubs. About 3 houses down from me someone hit a parked car, bounched off of it and slammed into a cement wall surrounding a house. Good thing it was there or the car would have been in the house! Hope everyone was safe last night!
  12. LeeLee


    Eppy! You remember me, right! Good times! lol
  13. LeeLee

    Bueno Cinco!

    Happy 5th! Is anyone gonna be going out to party? If so, be safe! What are your plans? Or do you have some funny/interesting stories of past cinco celebrations?
  14. I love this show! I also love the books! I didn't have time to read them, so I gave the audio book a try. It's really good as far as audio books go.
  15. Flying in a plane exsposes you to waaaay more radiation that a pack of smokes. Hope no one flies regularly!
  16. LeeLee


    Anyone play the redone Zelda yet? I'm getting all kinds of flash backs to when I was a kid playing it on my 64! I love the new menues. I got the Zelda edition of the 3ds, too! Also play Animal crossing, which is one of my fave games for the ds. I want a 3d one. I haven't got any other 3d games besides Zelda. What games do you guys have?
  17. Anyone else have stores participating in this? I just got back from my local comic shop where they gave away 5 free! I got a few old manga titles: Crying Freeman, Lodoss War, and Star Blazers! If you wanna know more there is a free comic book day FB page you can look up.
  18. Ew. High school od the dead hentai would be way more over the top. Instead of the dead trying to eat you they would... well, never mind. I loved all the jiggleds and panty shots personally. I want a live action!
  19. LeeLee

    My art

    So I got a lot of stuff. It's just easier to post a link to my fb page. If anyone would like to be art buddies, or just buddies in general, you should like it! www.facebook.com/artwest
  20. I've seen them! Just saw the Hamburger one resenlty! I'd so eat that! A while ago I saw a chinese pizza with all kinds of seafood on it that was supposed to be lucky for some holliday over there. Looked kinda gross. I know the lobster pizza at Red Lobster is good, tho. I'd try it! Not the hotdog one! Ewww.... Pig anus.
  21. I love Gundam. All Gundam. Even the ones people stated above that they hate. Wing has a special place in my heart because it was my first Gundam (Thank CN!). I think the reason it was so popular are all the reason you guys claim to dislike it. No political intrige? That's right! More action instead. Over powered Gundams? Ya! Tons of explosions and pew pew pew lazers! Of course the pretty boy pilots, also! Gotta love Duo! A lot of girl Gundam fans will say they dislike Relena. Mostly for the annoying English dub, but also for her ideals and her clingy, selfish, spoilt attitude. Mostly because yaoi fans, tho. Yup. That's why Gundam is so popular. It came out when Yaoi was just becomming mainstream. At least that what I saw as a female fan when Gumdam Wing was first hitting mainstream America.
  22. Ok, name some I've been to? We could be here a while. I've been doing the con circuit for ages! Anime Festival orlando 2 was my first con. I also went to Anime Weekend Atlanta, Metro con, Jacon(Doesn't exist any more), ACC expo(Called something else now), Yasumi con, Otakucon, and my new baby is Supercon. All of these are in or around Florida. Super con is coming up soon in Miami. This will be my 3rd year as a staff member. Super excited! Less than Jake will be preforming for their second year.
  23. Wow. All the dudes thought there was too much fan service? I loved that about it. It goes back to the days of real horror films that made fun of themselves and sold purely based on the amount of tits and gore they showed.
  24. LeeLee


    If I did it was just a variation of Neko Lee or something close. I remeber the names Rypkord, and Shaddow something. Your name is similar to people I used to chat with. All the names here are too similar to be a coincidence. I used to go to an old forum with this same name. Also Gundam Forum back in the day. Either way, good to be back in a forum again!
  25. LeeLee


    Kinda new? I used to go on the forums a lot back in my day... like 15 years ago... Gawd I'm old. BUT! I see some old names on here that I think I know! Am I right? Sledge, eppy, deathsythe? Please tell me I'm finally home again? :sparkle:LOL Well, I live in SoFlo and like anime. I love to draw. Can't wait to start meeting new people and talking with old friends!
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