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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Pchan


    Supernatural dipped after season 3 or 4 to a poor man's version, so maybe this has some hope?
  2. Pchan


    Offended?! LAME. This should get renewed, period.
  3. Pchan

    Sleepy Hollow (TV show)

  4. Pchan


    Second season's better than the first. Anyone watching this? I need to check it out. Someone recently told me it was better than TWDead.
  5. It's not Horror though / ... they've said in interviews that they wanted it to be like Twin Peaks (which I adore) and so I had to check it out, plus the cast is cool and it's more than decent enough for me to hit up episode after episode. 9 episodes I think for S1, try it out man. Worse comes to worse, you'll lose 2/3 hours of your precious life with 2/3 episodes. World will not end! I give everything a shot these days, including movies like Return Of The Moonwalker.
  6. Adapted off Red Dragon, it features Dr. Lecter played by one of my favorite actors - Mads Mikkelsen. Morpheus (The Matrix, Predators, Event Horizon) is in it too along with a cool supporting/ main cast. Highly recommended. Lecter's helping a special Detective, or is he really helping? Skip the trailer and dive into it.
  7. Prequel to Hitchcock's Psycho. Excellent cast, great acting. Some disturbing moments - not in terms of gore but just the context of it. 1 episode off the season finale that airs next week. Recommended. Give it 3 episodes worse comes to worse. Both mother and son are creepy in their own way. Skip the trailer for it, it'll spoil.
  8. Yep, known of that project from before and follow em on FB. I prefer 1 min trailers because they tend not to ruin the complete film.
  9. I'll have to look it up, thanks.
  10. So it's a newer tale, good link Lady.
  11. Since I heard of the project months ago I've been pretty optimistic because both Clooney and Bullock are at a stage in their career where they CAN act, number 1 and number 2, it's made by the Director of Children Of Men. I adore science fiction and this is right up my alley. I can't watch this on my TV.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDMR1zrulQ&feature=player_embedded Based on King's novel. Pilot was directed by the same Director as Girl With A Dragon Tattoo and the series is written by someone from the Lost team. This post has been promoted to an article
  13. Pchan

    Under The Dome

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDMR1zrulQ Based on King's novel. Pilot was directed by the same Director as Girl With A Dragon Tattoo and the series is written by someone from the Lost team.
  14. Star Wars can benefit from not having anything NEW/ OLD released for a period of 5 or 10 years. There's just so much of it out there, it's almost unimportant to me versus Star Trek that has a movie only that comes out every few years with no TV series or fifteen twenty games released between movies.
  15. Pchan

    My Reverbnation Music

    Oh shit, welcome back dude, missed seeing the topic. I don't have a Reverbnation account, would I need to sign up to follow your recommendations?
  16. Haven't watched the first one because it looked like under-aged kids trying to look hot while doing whatever they did. Worth giving it a shot? No, wait, Battle Royale, that was the reason I didn't bother watching the first one.
  17. You can pick the things you want out of either phone, to suit your real-time needs or your argument. To me, one's a better phone and doesn't mean the other isn't a good phone which's why I give you pro's of both over themselves.
  18. It needed one more episode to make up for the crap that was the last episode. Or, they should've ended at Sacrifice, like you say!
  19. Wasn't that the over-analyzed pitfall of Prometheus when it came out? But wait, it works for this movie because "OHH there's robots, they look so cool, look dude, he even picks up a freakin boat and uses it as a bat against that big thing, you think it'll even scratch it but who cares cos IT LOOKS SO COOL DUDE *switches off brain* ...". Aaah, the movies.
  20. How bad was it? Comic book fans say it's as bad as movie 2.
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