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Everything posted by Pchan

  1. Salvation was good. I liked some of the studio's ideas for possible sequels but it never happened. Here's hoping to an intelligent script and premise.
  2. Pchan

    Who was Kaede?

    I'm going to pass this member in post count but who is this member ?! What can you tell me about him/ her? Was the member around in Dec 2004 when I joined? I can't recall. What is this member's legacy? Anyone wanna get him/ her back?
  3. I think there'll be some of the funniest memes for it, if that casting every happened.
  4. Ehhh ... I'll skip this entirely then. Thanks for the brief review! Just finished watching S1 of The West Wing, 6 more seasons to go and a Breaking Bad marathon re-watch before the new and final season premieres.
  5. I read the manga, some 47 chapters. I can see how it can be popular among folk because of the ohmygodthatmonsterateafullpersonohnoitatehismother!!R%@%#% notion. Beyond that sort of shock factor fans may experience, the story itself is surprisingly not good, at all. It's predictable, marred with bad dialog. The anime version displays high quality animation that makes the package look good viscerally, but beyond that, it's just bland to me. Massively over-rated in my opinion, sorry. Give it a shot guys.
  6. Patrick Lussier (“Drive Angry”) ... attached to write the screenplay
  7. We've known a new Godzilla's in the works for a few months now, set photos are floating online. I like how this movie has a weak plot but is still OK with audiences because of graphics or big things fighting for 5 minutes on screen #sarcasm#. Man Of Steel, Star Trek: Into Darkness were two movies of similar kind.
  8. Yeah, I'll watch this. I liked Hansel & Gretel, so the studio better keep it dark. Maybe won't have enough blood and gore but the fantasy elements in the trailer plus the mood and look of the movie seems pretty cool.
  9. My computer is too slow to play these high powered games.
  10. I think this is great for exterior surfaces, like a bunch of stairs/ steps or roofing or paint outside the house or could help against corrosion of metal attachments outside and a bunch of other things. Cars can benefit quite a bit too if you think about it. Phones, what not.
  11. Nolan's involvement in the next one is going to be significantly less, though he's confirmed to be on board. The big difference he's made to a Snyder movie is make sure it isn't marred with ANY slow motion sequences. I'll post my full review from home after work. The movie has a lot of flaws and is enjoyable as well.
  12. Edited my post. Every sentence is laughable, you have no clue what you're talking about. But hey, that's your opinion.
  13. MASSIVE difference between 300 and ... The Shining, Apocalypse Now, The Shawshank Redemption, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Minority Report, War Of The Worlds (Spielberg), The Exorcist, Thin Red Line, Tree Of Life, Road To Perdition, Chinatown, Platoon, Raiders Of The Lost Arc, Blade Runner, The Godfather, Alien, Drive, Forrest Gump and a whole bunch more
  14. Looks dumber and a lot more boring than 300 which really doesn't matter. 300 is just an obnoxious piece of over-hyped turd which is 30/ 40 minutes long stretched to whatever length it is because of a director who feels the audience is too dumb to follow fight sequences or afraid that the audience might miss seeing a Spartan kick someone into a hole/ well and feeling the need to put everything in slow motion. Imagine a 20 minute porn-sequence in slow motion, dragged to a length of 80/ 90 minutes. Doesn't do it for me.
  15. ... and that's only showing you consoles
  16. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/06/politics/nsa-internet-mining/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  17. I needed a Blu Ray player and picked up the PS3. Don't need the PS4. I can see how this is bad for a gamer where he/ she has to invest in a new console every few years and a new bunch of games that don't come cheap with no backwards compatibility.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XEQdvYFMBAU
  19. I liked the first one a lot because it wasn't intended to be all out Horror with cheap effects but had cool atmosphere and good moments of no-shock-value-Horror which is cool.
  20. Pchan


    Hideous. Not interested one bit.
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