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Everything posted by Stinkerbell
Thanks for the warning, Sledgstone. VCD might work on your compy (MIGHT!) ... it'd be worth a shot to get to watch it. That's how a bunch of people in my Multimedia Authoring class formatted their documentaries and they tended to work in Windows Media Player. Like I said, it's worth a shot.
What book are you currently reading?
Stinkerbell replied to Sledgstone's topic in Movies, TV & Books
I know that Tolkien does tend to ramble on a bit, but I felt that in the movies they emphasized too much on the romance between Aragorn and Arwen. Honestly, she's mentioned only about three or four times in the novels. The visuals with the battles help immensely and the movies do give a better sense of dread concerning the Black Riders. But the biggest disservice of the movies was in "The Return of the King." They chopped every monologue that had any meaning or substance (including my favorite part of the whole trilogy: when Eowyn faces the Lord of the Nazgul / the Witch King of Angmar). All and all, Jackson did great visually, but needed to work a bit on keeping the essence. The movies are all right, but if he'd pushed himself a bit more, they would have been spectacular. Back to books ... I have read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy a few times before (not as many as my father!), I'm just re-reading them for an English Literature class. Why not read something I like and get a grade for it? -
What book are you currently reading?
Stinkerbell replied to Sledgstone's topic in Movies, TV & Books
Interview was dull, and Memnoch was lacking. The middle three are definitely the best. Another good one by her is "Merrick." It's like the Mayfair Witches meets the Vampire Chronicles. Very good. I don't read much Rice anymore. I got a hold of "Mists of Avalon" and didn't look back. Right now I'm reading J.R.R. Tolkien's "Fellowship of the Ring" for my English Literature class. I must admit that reading their escape from the Shire wasn't nearly as boring this time through. It's much better in print than those "movies" that were made. -
Okay, I've been asking for help and advice on this fic for a while. I've been working on it for about six months, and last night at 11:02pm I finished it. It ended at a whopping 325 pages in MS Word (double-spaced and in 12 pt Times New Roman) once I included the afterword for Sakura-Con. If anyone would like to take a gander at it go to my Fanfiction.net account (most of the chapters haven't been edited on there , but it is complete) http://www.fanfiction.net/~zeldarhiannon Over Spring Break (next week) I'll probably update all the chapters so that the edited text is up.
Y'know, I still kind of cheer for InuYasha and Kagome ... but then he does something stupid (like run off to Kikyo) and then I'm like "God, Kagome, kick his ass."
I tend to lean towards comedic episodes. My favorite comedic episode is "Farewell Days of My Youth" Inuyasha calling Shippo his "foxy little darling" made me almost pass out I was laughing so hard. My other favorite would be the recently aired "Miroku's Most Dangerous Confession" When Sango said she would bear his children I almost cried!!!
All right, I finally sat down and turned on the subtitles. In Episode 34 "Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga" Totosai describes Sesshomaru as:
I have an import of Season one and two. What episodes do you want to check on? I could check on them tonight or tomorrow. I know what you mean. I've noticed the differences, too. *edit* Nevermind ... I'm a bit dense right now ... I'll check on that and see if it was a mess up. That episode with Totosai is one of my favorite episodes.
That's what I thought at first, but observe his actions with Rin. It's an interesting relationship there. Naraku kidnaps her, and Sesshy comes a runnin' to the rescue. He claimed that he didn't care that Naraku kidnapped the girl, then why did he almost kill Kohaku for hurting her? In the episode "Jaken falls ill" he comes flying by to catch Rin when she falls from the side of the cliff. And then count the number of times that he scolds Jaken for bitching about her ... As much as he says he doesn't give a crap, he does care about that little girl.
Very true, Sledge. It could have just been them slacking in the translation department again. They had a lot of issues with the band of seven. They kept saying they were specters when they smelled of grave soil ... come on now, that's "Zombie" And calling Banryuu a "Halberd." A halberd is a staff with an axe head on it! Anywho, I'm sticking with the "fluffy" being a "Demonic Aide"
The story of Lady Sara was indeed tragic. Her actions did remind me of Naraku. I'm glad that she was pure enough to realize her mistake and beg Sesshomaru for release. If she hadn't though, who knows, Naraku could have had a sidekick. *edit* That's a frightening thought ... Naraku already uses dead family members and other demons ... what kind of havoc would come about from a sidekick? Jaken just cracks me up. And Rin is so adorable.
I bookmarked your story and I shall read it tomorrow. I'll be working on my fanfic tonight. I'll be sure to leave you a review on fanfiction.net. Oh, and speaking of stupid reviews, I got one the other day for my first fanfiction. I swear, all they said was "cute" I wanted to pull my hair out!!
Like many who cannot get their hands on the anime before Adult Swim airs it, I just saw part two of The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru. I must say it was one of the most interesting episodes I have seen in a long while. In a way, it was slightly amusing to think of how many people Sesshy has utterly charmed. Remember the episode where Jaken has the flashback to when he met Sesshy and Jaken thinks to himself "He's so dashing!!"?? I laughed so hard. I also found it funny that the woman's name was Sara, and that she became a water demon. I find this funny because, like many, I find Sesshy dashing, and my first name is Sarah. Not only that, I'm a Pisces (a water sign). My husband just shook his head while I laughed like a dork. Ahhh, just thought I'd share that with a group who'd get the joke ... Anyone else have any thoughts on this two-part episode?
Ah yes ... it can save your ass so many ways. I imagine tonight I'll sit down and go through my MSWord files and make all the corrections and re-upload them to fanfiction.net.
Who thinks they wrote the biggest fanfic? (Sort of a poll)
Stinkerbell replied to Inuyasha89's topic in Fandom
They both will. One is like a short-cut using your pen name. I'll check those out. Don't forget to return the favor! -
Who thinks they wrote the biggest fanfic? (Sort of a poll)
Stinkerbell replied to Inuyasha89's topic in Fandom
That link doesn't work. That's the link that shows up when you are logged in. We'll need your pen name or your user #. On your account page it will tell you the URL for the page that will show us your profile and stories authored. Remember on mine it had the number http://www.fanfiction.net/u/465681/ It will look something like that. -
Lady, thank you so much for your input! After looking at my printed manuscript I noticed my over-usage of commas and a few run on sentences. I have begun an intense editing process. I'm also thinking of writing an epilogue to explain the circumstances in which this story takes place. To explain Sesshomaru's lack of apathy, I wanted to explore that glimmer of kindness that Rin brought to life in him. I wanted him to feel emotion and see that they are not limited to mortals (after all, InuTaisho loved his sons and Izayoi). To cause this major change, he'd have to endure some major change.
If you want, send me a copy as well as Lady. The more feedback the better. I'll give you an honest and constructive opinion.
Y'know, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who sits back and thinks that Kagome needs to get a fucking clue. At first I blamed Inuyasha, but now it's like, "woman, pull your head from your sphincter and ditch this guy. Go home and make babies with Hojo, who appreciates you." *sigh* I used to root for Inu. & Kag. all the time ... And yea, Kagura is pretty useless, and Naraku seems to have lost his brain in exchange for a flashy body. I think the episode that pissed me off the most with all of this was when Inuyasha first gains the ability to break through Naraku's barrier. Sesshomaru showed up before Inuyasha, so they were both there. If they would have taken ten seconds to just kill Naraku, this would all be over with. But, then they wouldn't hook us in to later episodes ... All in all, I think this last season is going to suck plotwise, but have a descent amount of comedy. But that is no substitute for substance.
Sabe, honestly where do you see it going? If you see it going one way, or ther other, then write it. The only advice I have about things getting a bit hentai, is to keep it tasteful and sexy. If you read it and think you may see it in a romance novel, toss it. I'm not familiar with the Naruto-universe so I cannot say one way or the other, but just go with your gut. Sorry if that seems vague.
Okay, I've been working on this story since September. I've talked about it here and there on the forums, but no one at fanfiction.net who has read it has given serious constructive feeback. I mean, I appreciate the compliments of "It's great ... Very different ... I love it." But seriously, man, I need some massive input! I have been thinking about submitting it for the fanfic contest at Sakura-Con, but if it isn't up to par I don't want to embarrass myself. If you have time to kill here or there, go read bits and pieces on fanfiction.net, and either post here, or send me a review with serious constructive feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. All I ask is if you are going to be uncouth and insensitive, just don't even reply. After getting a C+ on a paper that I busted my ass on for countless hours, my ego is very fragile. I just need to know if this is worth my effort, or am I just fooling myself. You can find it at: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/465681/ And go to the story titled "Destiny's Fault."
Lady, I couldn't have said it better myself. *bows*
I've noticed the past three episodes on AS has been nothing but comedic filler. It's funny, but ... oi, the whole thing with the band of seven took WAY too long. (I think it felt like forever because AS is/was only airing one new episode a week.) I haven't seen the end, but I've been warned about it by more than one source. So, I know what to expect.
Who thinks they wrote the biggest fanfic? (Sort of a poll)
Stinkerbell replied to Inuyasha89's topic in Fandom
How to post your fanfiction? -
Fluffinated, I know it's been a long time since anyone has responded to this thread, but I totally get what you're saying. My newest fic (Destiny's Fault, it's an InuYasha fic) is getting some good feedback. I got one girl reviewing though who kept asking me to hook up Sesshomaru and Kagome, or even toss InuYasha in the mix! Anywho, I put it in my next set of author's notes that the plot was layed out and it had nothing to do with a romance between Kagome and Sesshomaru. I tried to make a totally original plot, and I have worked really hard on that fic.