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Everything posted by Honeybee

  1. Honeybee

    Who Knew?

    i just folded a peice of paper 8 times i had to bite it but i did it! HEY! is for horses and i know another fact mosqitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas! and considering the fact that i get bittin nearly a gazilion times each time i step outside or when i go camping and i never eat bananas i guess i would be considered an outlire
  2. wrong that did make no sense or prehaps im just tired
  3. *sniff* damn you!!! you frickin 4kids *unseths kantana* THATS IT BRING IT ON THIS IS THE LAST TIME THEY RUIN A GOOD MANGA!! TWO OF MY FAVS HAVE BEEN HUMILIATED AND I SHALL NOT STAND FOR THIS ANY LONGER!! *firey eyes* NOTHING SHALL STOP MY QUEST!!!oh look a birdie! *marches to office and demands proper anime!!!*
  4. O_0 please dont let Kaimay die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! shes was so sweet! *sniff* *sob*
  5. i still think it sounds like geico! geico! that would make a funny chemical! lol
  6. ^lol cabbit your weird *note this was said with pencils jabbed in head*
  7. went to shove pencils in head as seen in TOP STORY #6 (i think)
  8. *shakes head* tisk tisk we lost another one
  9. ....umm how do i do that??
  10. that sucks!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr fabulous what will they do next!
  11. its to colorful *looks at it again* sisssssss it BURNS!!!
  12. doesnt it sound like there say GIECO! GIECO! lol
  13. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! tell me Miyu do u value your life *glare*
  14. *parade/victory music* YAAAAAA!!!
  15. *rain now sunny* yaaaayyy!!! i had baby sitting/ wild party / guest who slept in tv room
  16. i was thinking of buy some dvds or manga, caus i hear its the best. any opinions/comments?
  17. i missed (glomy) it *rain cloud pours on head* sigh
  18. *sews miyus mouth closed* whew i have been waiting to do that for a while!! so my spellings bad so is my hearing and they both make excellent conversation starters!
  19. lol funny i think sledge should and more like how maybe peter meets inuyasha or kagomay ( im bad w/ names!)
  20. Honeybee

    Inuyasha Is Not Over

    o please let it be true! o please let it be true!
  21. well i liked it a lot its not my top fav but it cool it kinda seemed like the mainish character was break dancing a lot while attacking.
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