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Everything posted by CabbitGirl

  1. but but but..... i was so excited for the next one....
  2. im sure eppy did. i was driving the whole night, but i did a lot of party hopping. no drinking though. my friends didnt drink either, which they complained about later... but they couldve totally drank at any of the parties we went to. i dropped them off later that night and went back out to another party where 2 of my friends from work were trashed off their asses X'D i took video to show them today hehe
  3. ooo this is a really nice picture!
  4. CabbitGirl


    ya, i walked out around noon today... temp was 65 ;; i still didnt need a sweatshirt or anything when night came too...
  5. i got a new HP computer :3 and i got some nice clothes and picture frames and lotsa gift cards my boyfriend for me some new plaid converse! there were a couple of other random things too but i cant quite remember at the moment ^^;;
  6. CabbitGirl


    well weren't you just a sly little christmas bundle of joy for your mommy, ne? happy birthday sledgers!!!
  7. wow... i think ill have to join you lady
  8. i just finished my semester yesterday =3 and i get to work morning shift on christmas eve and were closed christmas day. plus i get the rest of the week off after that
  9. CabbitGirl


    we're supposed to have 8 inches too. it snowed before but now it's sleet... it'll probably do what it did the other day and it'll all be gone tomorrow
  10. awwww i remember when people went crazy looking for the film in our store and we didnt carry it anymore =/ i was wondering why it never came in on the truck anymore
  11. CabbitGirl

    New cookbook!

    are you serious.... wtf X'D
  12. CabbitGirl


    awww precious is so cute!!
  13. hey!!! welcome back!!! == *tackles*
  14. ya... wasnt really shocked by any of that news. plenty of that gets spread around schools (and most people know which ones are rumors and which ones arent) but ya.. majority of my friends parents KNOW their children are sexually active, and only a few of them know that their children drink/smoke. and honestly... who hasnt hit someone before.. i mean really..
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