i always save them as .jpg because it makes the file smaller and its easier because everything supports .jpg files. like i said, this hasnt happened before.
i asked eppy to take a look too. and i pointed out where it was pixelating, and he kind of saw it too. he said regular people looking quickly wouldnt see it, and ya, its not that noticable, but i'm not about to put pictures up that i KNOW dont look the way they should.
i went through again to see if it was just my eyes being screwy, but it was still the same thing. i ended up editting some of them in irfanview and had to keep the red eye in most of the pictures because it looked a lot better than the way irfanview editted it :/ bleh. and it isnt my monitor. remember, i had both files open on the screen at the same time. one looked fine, one didnt.