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Everything posted by Tristan9480

  1. Happy Birthday. I'm not really fond some them myself =\
  2. Yeah. I assumed it would breaking away from the other series at some point to colate with the manga. I still have the other anime fresh on my mind but I'm starting to get interested again.
  3. I just started watching the first episode and I'm already kinda bored and I know it is suppose to be closer to the manga but I just seems too similiar when I started skimming through the first 14 episodes...
  4. I really tried to watch this bullshit and 30 minutes into the film with her rambling on I just couldn't take it anymore I knew where this shit was heading and I know that if I finished watching it I would just regret it lol.
  5. lol. I was watching the video and taking a look at the pool and it is kinda fucking huge to not be able to handle 65 campers I'm quite sure that class-action suit against the club going to rule in favor of the campers.
  6. I honestly think it could be a big misundstanding and the news crew did state that two other camps that are not minorities were also refunded and told to leave. Of course, they could have just done that to cover their asses if it happend afterwards. I don't know. I'd think their club president would have worded his statement to them better because from the way it sounded just seem racist as hell.
  7. How about nintendo wii I have to get my daughter a video game system and the best for her would be the Wii seeing how she is only 3 ; I just saw a game on the 360 called Prototype that I would love to have. Too bad I sold my 360 last year *waits for DX to strike me down*
  8. That's kind of stupid of her to even inform you of something that trivial. I don't even know why someone would bother telling their neighbor that.
  9. I thought it was some sick joke when I initially started reading it ;;
  10. According to episode 226 I just watched they're starting the fillers again with 227
  11. I'm 5' 7.5 and would like some of those shoes Everyone in my family(brothers,sister,male cousins) are pretty much taller than me ;_;
  12. I never understood why the directors/writers of Transformers feel the need to add crappy jokes and subplots for the human actors when everyone is pretty much going to see the movie that is supposed to be about the giant fucking robots. I could give a shit less about the human actors especially Sam.
  13. I never read the book but saw the movie and thought that it is very overrated. My sister is a teen and loves the book just for the romance part. She said that the book isn't really all that interesting anyhow. When I was a teen I thought some books with as crappy of plots was cool as well so I'm trying not to be too harsh about it.
  14. Tristan9480


    I'm kind of tired of all the end of the world type films that have been coming out in the last 10 years
  15. I love his series because I've played/owned almost all the games he has poked fun at and I remember how frustrating those games were >.<
  16. I'd try it if it were like .50 lke most vienna sausage =X
  17. I couldn't even think of any transformer games on the nes or other when I saw the title ;; Only older games that I really recall any robot transforming was a few robotech games...i guess
  18. Maybe he could photoshop his penis to look 12 inches long
  19. I had a can of equate knock-off slimfast, I really need to lose weight ;;
  20. I had an ex-insuarance agent start naming off all the the shit that would raise my rate just because my 2006 Nissan Sentra SE had sports car like accessories on it. Those damn cars are not an ideal car for racing.
  21. I noticed that the moderately attractive/hot girls that were dating the ugly tall "douches" was usually because they have money or at least a cool car if it's highschool. I knew/know girls like that and eventually when daddy/mommy stopped supporting them or they never mature those girls would usually go for the ugly tall/short or older/well-financed man that is more mature. I don't think you can win unless your on the same caliber that these girls think their on ;;
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