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Everything posted by Tristan9480

  1. Did anyone see the on HLN where it was pretty much like 90% of the public really didn't have any sympathy for her I just feel sorry for the kids and almost everybody that called to give their opinion were concerned for the babies. She is also going to be homeless soon and she was buying top brand make-up from what I heard.
  2. I remember a movie called Def-con 4, from the 80's, where several astronauts were up in a space station during a nuclear fallout out. They came back to a world in disorder/chaos. It was pretty good if not kinda corny. Maybe I could have my bomb converted to something to power my house because my electric bill has been a bitch lately.
  3. Yeah Everytime they have state wide pay increases or minimum wage is raised everything else goes up with it. So...you're back where you started o. O;
  4. I love to watch to watch Nancy Grave but she does over do it especially when she belittles the people she called upon for their opinions when all they're doing is trying to point out what any defense would do when it is deperate or trying to convince the jury of innocence. She dosent' give them time to explain before she rudely interrupts.
  5. You could at least send her 14 cat bells to keep track of her kids. What would happen if they all escaped into the woods Maybe a tv show will pick up on it and call it 'Kids Survivor' if that hasn't already been done.
  6. I'v seen where the news stated that her doctor bill for the hospital alone will exceed 800,000 I like their theory that she is pushing to be more like Angelina Jolie, in a pretty much white trash way. I see that she has a website to offer donations....I'm guessing Lady won't be in line to help her out. lol
  7. Honestly, this is probably the best they'll ever come up with. The show was immensely popular with children so coming up with something epic with long chapters like Lord of the Rings would probably be unlikely. Still....they could have tried to stay truer to the story it was inspired by. They could go worse by hiring Uwe Boll on to make it.
  8. It seems like it. I downloaded the ep and they're all back in town doing stupid shit like nothings happening
  9. I'm getting annoyed with all the shitty remakes popping out lately. It's like they'll do a half-ass job of writing the script and figure the would substitue it with alot of action. I read somewhere that Adventures in Baby Sitting is going to be remade with Ravine Simone starring in it.
  10. I was laid off so I'm just sitting around right now watching the kids. o. O;;
  11. I think the last bunch of fillers Bleach had was like over 20? I don't know. I pretty much skip fillers and wait out the storm. I just know from what I did see that Bleach was better then Narutos.
  12. I don't bother with blu-ray but my new computer does have a blu-ray player/burner
  13. Are the fillers back again?
  14. I live in Alabama and DX pretty much right on Just earlier I saw a car with the whole engine exposed, presumably from a wreck, the back windshield missing and the left door missing. I have seen the vehicle a few times and it's a rather old sedan. The fact that it compensated by using plastic garbage bags to cover up the missing door and window must have made it alright.
  15. It's a pretty good game that I've become pretty immersed into.
  16. I was just going to point out that Obama is techinically bi-racial and people are more eager to readily accept him as black than a mixture of two races which is actually what he has been campaigning about only he and the media tend to allude to. Even in the news papers down where I live they hardly mentioned him bi-racial and just stated he was black. My mother is kinda annoyed by that fact because she believes that there isn't anything to be ashamed of and that it sends the wrong message. I had something more lengthy but decide to just delete the post to save me the trouble of being flamed. I come from a family were there is nothing wrong with dating other races and is encourage.
  17. My daughter loves this movie and is always wanting to watch it. I say we'll sometimes watch it like 2 to 3 times a week.
  18. I was hoping someone would step on it just to see his reaction.
  19. They're also denying the people's right to get fat drinking sugary soda....*calls NAAFA* I think that if they're going to tax regular soda then they'll have to tax alot of other things I'll have 2 triple whoppers, large fries, and a diet coke*coughs*
  20. I'm getting sick of these damn video game to big screen adaptions. The least they could do is make it direct to dvd if they're going to fuck it up the way they did with DOA and so on.
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