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Found 18 results

  1. The season finale just ended this past monday. I started this series and gave it a couple eps. I almost dropped it, but by the third ep shit started going down and I got sucked into the plot. This was a surprisingly great series with excellent acting. Its so refreshing to see a 1 off series like this. I don't think there is going to be a season 2 and if there is it would probably ruin the experience. This played out like an anime in a sense. It started and finished the entire plot. There was no filler episodes and everything tied in together. I hope this inspires AMC to make more stand alone short series. Hell, I wish more of america tv would follow this direction instead of endless reality shows or drawing out a series so long that it gets canceled without a finale. This show proves its possible for US tv to actually give us a story in a complete season. Well done AMC. I can only compare this to Stephen King mini series, except better. Now I wish all those old Stephen King mini series were actually given the full season treatment like this.
  2. Seems like Rick takes charge and goes a bit cran on everyone with power. Talk about a 180 from his farming days at the prison.
  3. Seems like Rick takes charge and goes a bit cran on everyone with power. Talk about a 180 from his farming days at the prison. Click here to view the article
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4GAs9TJVjM Here is the trailer for the fifth season of AMC's The Walking Dead.
  5. Here is the trailer for the fifth season of AMC's The Walking Dead. Click here to view the article
  6. A brand new series based in the same zombie apocalypse. It looks like TWD might be franchising like Star Trek did. Numerous series can be a good way to fill the time between seasons as long as they are scheduled to air in different times of the year. Source: AMC
  7. A brand new series based in the same zombie apocalypse. It looks like TWD might be franchising like Star Trek did. Numerous series can be a good way to fill the time between seasons as long as they are scheduled to air in different times of the year. Source: AMC Click here to view the article
  8. Here is a final promo clip for tomorrows premier of TWD Season 4... and its eerily dark... graphic novel type dark.
  9. With a month left until Season 4's debut, here is another preview for The Walking Dead.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIG0aWvTqEk Check out this short featurette of TWD graphic novel creator Robert Kirkman giving a tour of Season 4's prison. Fans of the graphic novel will recognize possible aspects of parts that were seemingly skipped over before encountering the Governor.
  11. The Walking Dead Season 4 Sneak Peek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUvpFAYGoWI Its a commercial for Low Winter Sun for the first half, then a rather pointless Sneak Peek of TWD showing Michonne dismounting her new horse and having some difficulties with a couple walkers. The new season premieres Sunday, October 13th.
  12. . It looks like they are using elements skipped over in the first part of season 3 from the graphic novel since Tyreese shows up much later in the TV series, while combining it with what has been going on in the graphic novel after the prison. Interestingly enough, there is no sign of the Governor... I expect him to show up at the mid season finale after this mystery killer is found out, and conclude the season with a final resolution. Now that I see how close they are to passing the graphic novel. I understand why they've kept the Governor around. If they proceeded, they'd only have about 2 more seasons of source material. Anyways... I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well, here it is! The unveiling of Season 4 which will premier Oct. 13th! It looks pretty freakin' amazing!. It looks like they are using elements skipped over in the first part of season 3 from the graphic novel since Tyreese shows up much later in the TV series, while combining it with what has been going on in the graphic novel after the prison. Interestingly enough, there is no sign of the Governor... I expect him to show up at the mid season finale after this mystery killer is found out, and conclude the season with a final resolution. Now that I see how close they are to passing the graphic novel. I understand why they've kept the Governor around. If they proceeded, they'd only have about 2 more seasons of source material. Anyways... I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! Click here to view the article
  14. (Imagine the walker bodies are gone and corn is growing everywhere.) The Walking Dead is set to start filming the much anticipated Season 4 in may. Since that is only a month away, an anonymous insider with their hands on the first episode has already leaked some unsettling information online. Wow. This does not sound like a good season... I guess AMC should have worked harder to keep show runner, Glen Mazzara on the team. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/21/walking-dead-gains-a-new-season-but-its-show-runner-becomes-latest-casualty/ April Fools!
  15. (Imagine the walker bodies are gone and corn is growing everywhere.) The Walking Dead is set to start filming the much anticipated Season 4 in may. Since that is only a month away, an anonymous insider with their hands on the first episode has already leaked some unsettling information online. Wow. This does not sound like a good season... I guess AMC should have worked harder to keep show runner, Glen Mazzara on the team. http://artsbeat.blog...atest-casualty/ April Fools! Click here to view the article
  16. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/25026.html Click the link above for a couple pics. Now that TWD will have its own Monopoly game, I'm assuming AMC will start licensing more things like the Star Wars franchise.
  17. http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2010/08/premiere-comic-con-trailer-video.php And heres the trailer for it: http://www.amctv.com/originals/The-Walking-Dead/video?bcpid=86227333001&bclid=88963904001&bctid=593569611001 I'll give it a couple episodes. Looks like it has some potential for a horror series.
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