Its the end of an era. Windows XP support will end soon. Anyone still running XP machines? I have 2 and Lady has an old laptop with XP also. Windows has a site about the end too:
I'm tempted to find a copy of Windows 7 and upgrade one of my old computers, but I don't think the hardware will support it well considering how old the system is. I have a decent firewall for it and I never use the Internet Explorer on it either. I figure I'll still use it for my old files and storage still but I might disconnect it off the internet sooner rather than later. It kind of sucks that XP won't get software updates anymore but at the same time this will finally give web developers an excuse to finally stop making their sites and products work on IE 8. I hate that browser with a passion. I have seen so many bugs with forum, cms, blogs, etc. software all because of compatibility fixes for IE8.