Part of me is excited yet terrified of this Bundle. That comes from back in my N64 years of the 1990's. Back before I had Internet or (fully) acknowledged the ESRB. A time where I refused to own kiddie games. (Not counting LoZ since I didn't really acknowledge the ESRB.) My Teen years. Back then all my games had to define me as a "Bad Ass"....
And then I got Shadow Man. Shadow Man then made me more afraid of Dead Side than Hell. Everything in Dead Side is miserable that by the time I reached Hellfire & Brimstone area that actually seemed more positive. Unfortunately I never beat this game as I got lost in whatever I was suppose to do. But after enough time in Dead Side....
I bought Harvest Moon 64. Another game that became one of my favorites. But that's a whole different topic.
Also Jaunty is Awesome.