I'm not really a knife guy, so I don't know much about how to properly sharpen a knife aside from using the honing steel that came with my knife block. Over the last year I've been annoyed as all hell with my knives not keeping an edge worth a damn. They're all dull as hell but instead of buying another set of knives I decided to buy a knife sharpener. I bought this and got in the mail today from amazon:
I only have a cheap $60 set of knives to sharpen that I originally bought from walmart over 8 years ago. This thing does the job. I watched some videos about sharpening with it and that carbide part shreds metal off my blades at a surprising rate. From the 3 blades I've sharpened so far, they were so dull that they needed to be passed through that carbide part at least 10 times with moderate pressure. Now my steak knives can actually cut through a steak again. lol. But after seeing how much metal comes flying off these blades I was thinking about getting a whetstone for next time. Does anyone have experience with using knife sharpeners? Any recommendations for whetstones? The ceramic part on this sharpener is no where near as aggressive as the carbide part, but I have a couple decent paring knives that I'd rather never use on this because of how small they are and I want to keep all the metal on them.